Norway, glaciers, Trollstigen, Atlantic ocena road, Trondheim (part 4)

After a week of traveling we had the first really sunny day and we spent it hiking to the Briksdalsbreen (English: the Briksdal glacier), which is one of the most accessible and best known part of the Jostedalsbreen glacier or Jostedalsbreen (Norwegian), the largest glacier in continental Europe The road through the valley to the starting point for glacier hike is so beautiful that we had to stop several times.
Po enem tednu potovanja je bil prvič res sončen dan, ki sva ga izkoristila za pohod do ledenika Briksdalsbreen, ki je najlažje dostopen del Jostedalsbreen-a, največjega ledenika v celinski Evropi. Pot po dolini do ledenika je tako lepa, da sva se morala večkrat ustaviti.
From the parking lot to the glacier, it is about 2.5 km of easy walking, so let's say half an hour. It's hard to say, because our hikes in Norway have always been prolonged for half an hour or so. Blueberries are growing everywhere and we couldn't continue without tasting them. Somewhere on the path it is necessary to pass a waterfall that splashes you a little. Then we went along the river and through the forest to the beautiful blue glacial lake. There are signs along the path that mark the place to where the glacier reached in a certain year. It was shocking and sad when you realize how much it shrinks.
Iz plačljivega parkirišča do ledenika je okoli 2,5 km lahke poti, torej recimo pol ure. Težko rečem, saj so se najini pohodi na Norveškem vedno malo zavlekli. Povsod rastejo borovnice in midva nisva mogla mimo, ne da bi jim malo poskusila. Potrebno je iti mimo slapa, ki vas malo poškropi. Nato pa ob reki in po gozdu do ledeniškega jezera čudovite modre barve. Ob poti so table, ki označujemo do kje je segal ledenih določenega leta. Kar malo stisne te, ko pomisliš, kako zelo se krči.
A short evening stop at the Geirangerfjord, which is a very popular tourist destination.
Kratek večerni postanek ob Geirangerfjord-u, ki je zelo priljubljena turistična destinacija.

Trollstigen is a serpentine road with 11 sharp bends that everyone wants to drive on a trip in Norway. There is a nice view of the road from the viewing platform at the top. The road did not seem so special to us, as we have already traveled many similar roads. I think it is a very beautiful and interesting journey to Trollstigen as it offers wonderful views.
Trollstigen je srpentinasta cesta z 11-imi ovinki, ki si jo želi prevoziti vsak na potepu po Norveški. Na cesto je lep razgled z razgledne ploščadi na vrhu. Nama se na cesta ni zdela tako posebna, saj sva veliko podobnih cest že prevozila. Mislim, da pa je zelo lepa in zanimiva pot do tja, saj nam ponuja čudovite razglede.

The next road, which is a »must see« in Norway, is the Atlantic Ocean Road (an 8.3 km long section of road 64), along which we stopped several times and went for a short walk. The view of small islands, wooden houses, bridges and the blue sea is wonderful. There are many drone shots on the internet that show the beauty of this area.
Naslednja cesta, ki jo je na Norveški skoraj obvezno treba prevoziti je Atlantska oceanska cesta (8,3 km dolg odsek ceste 64), ob kateri sva se večkrat ustavila in šla na krajši sprehod. Pogled na majhne otočke, lesene hiške, mostove in modro morje je prekrasen. Na internetu je veliko posnetkov z dronom, ki še bolje pokažejo lepoto tega območja.

We arrived in Trondheim late in the evening and quickly realized that all the RV parks were already occupied. We parked near the center for two hours and went on a city tour. During our walk around 10:30 p.m., there were really few people there, and the sky was still bright. I can't imagine what it's like in winter, but at the end of July it was definitely the most beautiful city tour. The old bridge, colorful houses, beautiful streets, very special sunlight and almost no people. Finally, we left the city and looked for a place to spend the night.
Do Trondheim-a sva se prispela precej pozno zvečer in hitro ugotovila, da so vsa parkirišča za avtodome že zasedena. Parkirala sva blizu centra za dve uri in se odpravila na ogled mesta. Med najinim sprehodom okoli 22.30 je bilo tam res malo ljudi, zunaj pa je bilo še čisto svetlo. Ne predstavljam si, kako je pozimi, ampak konec julija je to zagotovo najlepši ogled mesta. Stari most, pisane hiške, čudovite ulice, čisto posebna svetloba in skoraj nobenega človeka. Vse skupaj se je malo zavleklo, potem pa sva mesto zapustila in si poiskala kraj za prenočevanje.
It was still a long way to the town of Bodo (from where the ferry leaves for Lofoten), and our vacation time was limited, so we decided to drive inland and not along the coast. Towards the evening it was foggy and rainy. 
We crossed the arctic circle (or polar circle) on a high plateau, where the landscape looked like a tundra (66.55156, 15.32142). On a nearby hill full of stone columns, we also built one. The temperature was about 11° C. 
Pot do mesta Bodo iz katerega pelje trajekt za Lofote, je bila še dolga, ker sva bila s časom zelo omejena, sva se odločila za vožnjo po notranjosti in ne ob obali. Proti večeru sta naju spremljala megla in dež.
Severni tečajnik oz. arktični krog sva prečkala na visoki planoti, kjer pokrajina spominja na tundro (66.55156, 15.32142). Na bližnji vzpetini polno kamnitih stolpcev, tudi midva sva postavila enega. Temperatura je bila približno 11° C.

After a few kilometers, the road descends and blueberries grow along the green river. Immediately we found a suitable place and prepared lunch.
Že nekaj km naprej se cesta spusti, ob zeleni reki rastejo borovnice. Našla primeren prostor in si pripravila kosilo.

A stop at Saltstraumen shouldn’t be missed. In this small sea strait about 10 km south of Bodo there is one of the strongest currents in the world, caused by the tides, resulting in eddies on the sea surface. The strong current is the reason for the large amount of fish in these waters.
Postanka v Saltstraumen-u res ne gre izpustiti, v tej majhni morski ožini 10 km južno od mesta Bodo je eden najmočnejših tokov na svetu, ki nastane zaradi plimovanja, kar na morski gladini povzroča vrtince. Močan tok je vzrok za veliko količino rib v teh vodah.


  1. So much beauty in this post. The photo showing the valley with the twisting road is my favourite shot. I am really enjoying your visit to Norway!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful, dramatic Norway!


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