Norway, back home (part 9)
The next day we started to drive home. Navigation showed 3,650 km and 44 hours of driving. Oops! A few days of driving! I wish we could always travel slowly, with many intermediate stops. At the moment, however, we can only afford limited days off, and we are very grateful for them. We were returning through Tromso, towards Narvik, where we crossed the Swedish border. As soon as we entered Sweden it started to rain and the next day, it was pouring from the sky.
Naslednji dan sva se začela vračati domov. Navigacija je pokazala 3.650 km in 44 ur vožnje. Ojoj! Par dni vožnje! Upam, da se bova nekoč lahko potepala bolj počasi, z veliko vmesnimi postanki. Trenutno, pa si lahko privoščiva le toliko prostih dni in zanje sva zelo hvaležna. Vračala sva se skozi Tromso, proti Narviku, kjer sva prečkala mejo s Švedsko, nato je pričelo deževati. Naslednji dan pa se je z neba kar zlivalo.
The drive on the Swedish highway was boring and it was raining heavily the whole time. We stopped a couple of times for a short break. At first we thought about buying a combined Rostock and Oresund bridge ferry ticket online, but we didn't agree about our arrival in Malmo. It turned out that due to the heavy rain, we drove slowly and we would not get to the ferry on time. In the end, we were returning through Denmark to Germany.
Vožnja po Švedski avtocesti je bila precej dolgočasna, ves čas je močno deževalo. Ustavila sva se le parkrat za krajši odmor. Najprej sva razmišljala, da bi na spletu kupila kombinirano vozovnico za trajekt za Rostock in most Oresund, pa se nisva znala odločiti, kdaj prispeva do mesta Malmo. Izkazalo se je, da se je zaradi močnega dežja vožnja zelo podaljšala in midva trajekta ne bi dohitela. Na koncu sva se vračala čez Dansko proti Nemčiji.
Norway is simply amazing! We saw fjords, mountain lakes, orcas, moose, reindeer, puffins, we were fishing and hiking.
Norveška je čudovita! Videla sva ogromno: fjorde, hribe s čudovitimi razgledi, nešteto jezer, orke, lose, severne jelene, njorke, lovila sva ribe in se potepala po hribih.
Norway is a huge country and the distances between places are enormous. In three weeks we have driven a little more than 10,000 km.
Norveška je ogromna država in temu primerne so tudi razdalje med kraji. Med celotnim potepanjem sva prevozila malo več kot 10.000 km.
Travelling over the country and wild camping is a unique opportunity to spend some time in contact with nature. Just imagine that on a completely bright clear night you are sleeping in a van next to an idyllic lake with a view of the hills and the sea, and a reindeer is near you, right next to the window, which we experienced in the Tromvik area.
Bivanje v naravi in divje kampiranje je edinstvena priložnost, da lahko nekaj časa preživimo v stiku z naravo. Samo zamislite se, da v popolnoma svetli noči spite v kombiju zraven idiličnega jezerca s pogledom na hribe in na morje, čisto zraven okna pa vas opazuje severni jelen, kar sva midva doživela v okolici Tromvika.
Thank you so much for taking us all along on your amazing trip. I haven't remembered to comment on each post but you can be sure I've read them all and enjoyed your wonderful photos.
ReplyDeleteAmazing trip. I thoroughly enjoyed your vacation! Wonderful photography. A vacation the way I would enjoy one, hiking and in nature.
ReplyDeleteSuch a long drive but oh, so worth it! Norway is spectacularly beautiful and your camera has caught that beauty for us to share. If only there had been fewer rainy, foggy days!
ReplyDeleteI have been very fortunate to visit Norway 3 times so have delighted in revisiting on your adventure. So many spots I recognised.
1976 - organised camping trip all the way to Hammerfest.
1977 - worked on the island of Stord for 3 months.
2010 - cruise with my husband.