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bivouac Dino Brollo

The Dino Brollo bivouac is located on the steep slopes of Monte Musi in Resia. The starting point is near the village of Musi (NW Italy). It took us a little less than three hours to reach the bivouac (1675 m) along the route no. 737. We passed a narrow gorge and climbed almost 1000 m through the steep slopes. There is a wonderful view from the bivouac, but unfortunately during our visit it was very foggy and only in rare moments we could see the valley below. Bivak Dino Brollo se nahaja v pobočjih Muscev v Reziji. Izhodišče je v bližini vasi Musi (SZ Italija). Do bivaka (1675 m) smo se povzpeli po precej strmi poti št. 737. V malo manj kot treh urah smo se mimo ozke soteske, pa po gozdu in strmih pobočjih povzpeli skoraj za 1000 m. Od bivaka je čudovit razgled, ampak med našim obiskom ga je zakrivala megla in le v redkih trenutkih smo lahko videli dolino. The flowers that bloomed along the way were simply beautiful. I don't know all these flowers by name, but the colors are amazi

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