Norway, Kvayola, Tromvik (part 8)

We were pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the island of Kvaloya, which was our next stop. We slept on the side of the road near the Sommaroy islands and started exploring the next day, The weather was windy, but sunny and about 18° C. There were almost no tourists there. In the morning we climbed a small hill on Hillesoy and enjoyed the wonderful views. The path was easy, there was also a rope for extra help next to it. 
Nadaljevala sva pot na sosednji otok Kvaloya, kjer sva prespala ob cesti pri otočju Sommaroy, ki naju je prijetno presenetilo. Vreme je bilo sicer vetrovno, a sončno in okoli 18° C. Turistov tu skoraj ni bilo. Dopoldne sva se povzpela na manjši hrib na Hillesoyi in uživala v čudovitih razgledih. Pot je lahka, ob njej je tudi vrv, s katero si lahko pomagamo. 
The island has many small sandy beaches and we rested for a while near one. I've made a few steps in the sea, while my husband swam in the sea. Men! 
Otočje ima veliko majhnih peščenih plaž, na eni od njih sva si privoščila malo lenarjenja, mislim, da prvič na celem potovanju. Jaz sem si samo zmočila noge, pogumnejši del posadke pa je v morju zaplaval.
Towards the evening, we continued driving, but only to the village of Hella, where we fished. Well, I played with my camera, while my husband was fishing. In Norway, fishing in the sea is allowed and free of charge. Hella is known for an abundance of fish due to the strong sea current. To be honest, the fish were literally jumping out of the water. Among the fish, we also saw a dolphin... 
Proti večeru sva nadaljevala z vožnjo, a samo do vasice Hella, kjer sva lovila ribe. No ja, jaz sem se bolj igrala s fotoaparatom, medtem, ko se je moj dragi ukvarjal z ribolovom. Na Norveškem je lovljenje rib v morju dovoljeno in brezplačno. Hella je znana po obilici rib zaradi močnega morskega toka. Po pravici povedano, ribe so dobesedno skakale iz vode. Med njimi sva videla tudi delfina.
Later we drove towards the small, remote village of Tromvik, west of the city of Tromso, and slept in a suitable place. It was light and bright here at midnight, you can sit outside and read a book without any problems. I read on the internet that some people have trouble sleeping because of the midnight sun. To be honest, it didn't bother me at all, even if the windows were not covered. 
Pot sva nadaljevala proti severu proti majhni, nekoliko odmaknjeni vasici Tromvik zahodno od mesta Tromso in prespala na primernem kraju ob cesti. Tu je ob polnoči tako svetlo, da lahko sediš zunaj in brez problemov bereš knjigo. Na internetu sem prebrala, da imajo nekateri zaradi polnočnega sonca težave s spanjem, mene ni motilo popolnoma nič, tudi če okna niso bila zastrta. 
In the morning, when we woke up, we were surprised by a reindeer that visited us. It looked like paradise, almost no tourists, the real Norway we have dreamed of.
Zjutraj, ko sva se zbudila, naju je presenetil severni jelen, ki naju je prišel obiskat. Pravi raj, tista prava Norveška, o kateri sva sanjala.
We were thinking about visiting Tromso, but as we both prefer nature to big cities, we spent the last day hiking around Tromvik. In the morning we climbed the hill Brosmetinden (494 m). Besides the beautiful views, blueberries and other berries were there in abundance. A few elderly ladies were picking cloudberries, which they use in jams and desserts. We both tried them, but I prefered the blueberries. 
Razmišljala sva ali naj obiščeva Tromso, vendar imava oba raje naravo kot velika mesta, zato sva zadnji dan izkoristila za pohode v okolici Tromvika. Zjutraj sva se povzpela na hrib Brosmetinden (494 m). Poleg čudovitih razgledov, tu lahko nabirate borovnice in druge jagode. Nekaj starejših gospa je nabiralo barjanske robide, ki jih uporabljajo v marmeladah in sladicah. Midva sva jih poskusila, ampak meni so bolj všeč borovnice. 
In the afternoon we went on our last hike in Norway to Bruna hill (497 m). Beautiful scenery, extraordinary views, and dreamy places. We were thinking about driving to Nordkapp, to explore the Sami country, but it was still about ten hours drive north and the same way back, so we decided not to go there.
Popoldne sva odšla na najin zadnji pohod na Norveškem na hrib Bruna (497 m). Čudovita pokrajina, izjemni razgledi, kar težko se bova poslovila od teh krajev. Med potovanjem naju je mikalo, da bi se odpeljala do Nordkappa, obiskala deželo Samijev, vendar je bilo do tja še približno 10 ur vožnje in ravno toliko nazaj, najin dopust pa se počasi izteka, zato sva se odločila, da najin potep proti severu tu zaključiva.


  1. You visited Norway the way I’d like to do it. Nature not cities. Just gorgeous!

    The cloudberries grow abundantly in Newfoundland too. They are not to everyone’s taste for sure!

  2. Wow so beautiful, I love your photos, Margi.

    Norway is a breathtaking country, I'm very impressed ...


  3. Yes, nature over urban! Such a perfect last day for you.


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