Norway, Lofoten (part 6)

The next day we slept a little longer as usual. After visiting Flakstad beach we went to a small traditional fishing village Nusfjord, another charming place.
Naslednji dan sva malo bolj dolgo spala. Po obisku plaže Flakstad in nato obiskala naslednjo majhna, tradicionalno, ribiško vas Nusfjord
We intended to stop at Vik and Houkland beaches, but the parking lots by the beaches were fully occupied, so we drove through the tunnel, parked on the other side of the hill and walked to hill Veggen (489 m). The path was not strenuous at all, it took us a little more than an hour to reach the top and the views were amazing.
Nameravala sva se ustaviti še ob plažah Vik in Houkland, vendar so bila parkirišča ob plažah popolnoma zasedena, zato sva se peljala skozi tunel na drugo stran hriba, tam parkirala in se povzpela na hrib Veggen 489 m ter uživala v razgledih na čudovite plaže. Pot ni preveč naporna, do vrha sva porabila malo več kot eno uro, razgledi pa so enkratni!
In the evening, we drove to Unstad beach famous for surfing, and enjoyed cinnamon rolls advertised as the best in the world. For sure they were very big.
Zvečer sva se peljala še do plaže Unstad, ki je znana po surfanju in si v bližini privoščila cimetove rolice, oglaševane za najboljše na svetu.
We slept near the town of Henningsvaer, which we visited the next day and walked to the famous football field.
Prespala sva tik pred mestecem Henningsvaer, ki sva ga obiskala naslednji dan in se sprehodila vse do znamenitega nogometnega igrišča. 
We planned to climb the hill Festvagtind above the town at first. Looking at the crowd of tourists along the path, we changed our plans and drove to the starting point for Tjeldbergtinden (68.234666, 14.488812). There were very few hikers there and lots of blueberries growing along the trail, it was charming and lovely. From the top there is a beautiful view of nearby places, little islands and lakes. The entire circular route took us about two hours. We returned through the swampy area by the lake.
Najprej sva načrtovala vzpon na hrib Festvagtind nad mestom, a sva zaradi množice turistov načrte spremenila in se odpeljala do izhodišče za Tjeldbergtinden (68.234666, 14.488812). Tu je bilo pohodnikov zelo malo, ob poti pa je raslo ogromno borovnic. Veliko bolj ljubko! Z vrha pa prelep razgled na bližnje kraje, otočke, jezera. Celotna krožna pot traja približno dve uri. Vrnila sva se po močvirnatem predelu ob jezeru. 
Deapite many road signs for moose and reindeer along the road there were no animals. This time a mother moose with two babies crossed the road in the middle of the day. I still wonder where the father moose has been hiding. I would really like to see those huge horns.
Ob cesti je bilo veliko prometnih znakov za lose in tudi za severne jelene, pravih živali pa še nisva srečala. Tokrat pa je cesto sredi dneva prečkala mama z dvema mladičema. Še vedno se sprašujem, kjer se je skrival oče los. Tisto ogromno rogovje bi res rada videla.


  1. The colour of the sea makes some of those beach photos look almost tropical! What a great trip you must have had.

  2. The fishing villages remind me of those in Newfoundland. Such incredible views in Norway! A beautiful place to visit!

  3. Wow, wow, wow! Lovely that you at least got to see the moose and calves.


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