Norway, getting there (part 1)

We planned to cross Austria, Germany, Denmark, a bit of Sweden to get to Norway all the way to the city of Tromso. We left home on Friday afternoon and drove to Germany, and the next day we drove along an endless German highway to the Denmark border. We made a short stop in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, which is located on the island of Zealand and walked to the city center, Nyhavn, which was very crowded. Lots of tourists were passing by, looking at the famous colorful houses along the sea canal. 
Na pot sva šla takoj v petek po končani službi, se vozila čez Avstrijo, Nemčijo, Dansko, malo po Švedski in potem po Norveški vse do mesta Tromso. Od doma sva odšla v petek popoldne in vozila do Nemčije, naslednji dan pa vozila po neskončnih avtocestah do meje z Dansko. V glavnem mestu Danske Københavnu, ki leži na otoku Zealand sva si privoščila krajši postanek. Sprehodila sva se do mestnega jedra Nyhavn, kjer se je gnetlo ogromno turistov, ki so ob morskem kanalu opazovali znamenite pisane hiše. 
Later we continued to the statue of the little mermaid sitting on a rock on the seashore watching the young boy she fell in love with. The statue was made more than 100 years ago based on the fairy tale The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen.
Nato sva nadaljevala do kipa male morske deklice, ki sedi na skali na morski obali in opazuje mladega fanta, v katerega se je zaljubila. Kip je bil izdelan pred več kot 100 leti po pravljici Mala morska deklica avtorja Hansa Christiana Andersena.
The following day we drove to Sweden crossing the Øresund bridge. The bridge connects the cities of Copenhagen and Malmo, Sweden, and is a combination of a viaduct and an undersea tunnel. The cost of the bridge toll charged for the crossing is quite high.
Naslednji dan sva se preko Øresundskega mosta peljala na Švedsko. Most povezuje mesti København in švedski Malmo in je kombinacija viadukta in podmorskega predora. Tudi strošek mostnine, ki jo zaračunajo za prehod, je precej visok.
Arriving in Sweden, we were surprised by the wheat fields. 
Na Švedskem so naju najprej presenetila žitna polja.
Our next stops were the fishing villages north of city Göteborg (Kungshamn, Smögen and Fjallback) and we also slept in our van near one of them. The small fishing villages with red and colorful houses are special and so cute and lovely. It's just a pity that it was very windy.
Najin naslednji postanek je bil v ribiških vasicah severno od mesta Göteborg (Kungshamn, Smögen in Fjallback). V bližini ene od njih tudi prespala. Male ribiške vasice s rdečini in pisanimi hišami so nekaj posebnega in kar nisva se mogla načuditi, kako lepo je tu. Škoda le, da je zelo pihalo.
The next day, we finally arrived in Norway!
Naslednji dan pa končno prihod na Norveško!


  1. A lovely adventure! Our $50.00 bridge toll is cheap in comparison to the toll on the Øresund.


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