our garden in July 2023
We were away for our summer holidays, so I'm a little late with my July’s post. July this year is the complete opposite of last year's. During our absence, showers and storms continued all the time and the wind knocked down trees. Meanwhile, in other parts of Slovenia, floods are destroying people’s homes, but here the situation is not so bad. In fact, we are very lucky.
It has been pouring down from the sky for almost a whole month, the soil in the garden is soaked, the plants are almost drowning and there are a lot of weeds everywhere. These pictures were taken today while it was still raining.
Ker sva bila na dopustu, sem z julijsko objavo malo pozna. Letošnji julij je čisto nasprotje lanskemu. Med najino odsotnostjo so se vrstile nalivi in nevihte, veter je podiral drevesa. Medtem, do drugod po Sloveniji poplave uničujejo domove, pri nas ni tako zelo hudo. Pravzaprav smo imeli srečo.
Ker že skoraj cel mesec lije z neba, je zemlja v vrtu premočena, rastline pa se skoraj utapljajo in povsod je ogromno plevela. Tele slike sem na hitro naredila danes, medtem, ko je še vedno deževalo.
A stream which was not there before, flows near our garden.Mimo našega vrta teče potok, ki ga prej ni bilo.
This little avocado plant is grown from seed and it likes rainy weath.
Tale mali avokado je vzgojen iz koščice in ima rad deževno vreme.
I’m linking this post to Sarah’s Down by the sea and Gartenwonne - ein Fachwerkhaus Im Grünen. I'm looking forward to see what’s happening in your gardens.Objavo linkam na Sarin blog Down by the sea in na Gartenwonne - ein Fachwerkhaus Im Grünen. Veselim se branja, kaj se dogaja na vaših vrtovih.
Imas zelo lep vrt,lep teden ti zelim!
ReplyDeleteWe've had similar wet weather here in England - much better than the heatwave they've had in some parts of Europe and better than the 40 degree temperatures we had last year.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds as if you wouldn't have managed to do much gardening if you had been at home with that weather! It must have been such a shock to see the stream. I'm glad you weren't too badly affected compared with others. I feel for them, we have seen some frightening images of the effect weather has had in Southern Europe, Hope the rain stops soon and you have a better month in the garden, The wet weather has brought all the slugs and snails out here and they are having a feast! Sarah x
ReplyDeleteMargi, your garden does look rather waterlogged and yet so much of Europe is begging for rain.
ReplyDeleteI love your apricot rose and your zucchini and tomatoes seem to be coping.
Even in this disaster, you managed to see beauty in your soggy garden. That newly formed stream shows how much rain has fallen. I am glad your home is safe.