Lisbon, Jose Franco's typical village, Ericeira, Cascais
Near Lisbon there are many seaside towns with beautiful beaches. Traveling to the town Ericeira, we stopped in Jose Franco's typical village, which is actually an open-air museum with typical houses entirely made of clay by Portuguese sculptor Jose Franco. Typical architecture of the region, houses, school, workshops are to be found there. It's very interesting and lovely and as an additional benefit the village wasn't crowded with tourists, and we had a nice cup of coffee there.
V bližini Lizbone je veliko obmorskih krajev z čudovitimi plažami. Na potepu do enega takih krajev, Ericeire, sva se ustavili v Jose Franko tipični vasi, ki je pravzaprav muzej na prostem s hišami značilnimi za to področje. Te je iz gline naredil portugalski kipar Jose Franco. Tu lahko vidimo tipično arhitekturo področja, hiše, šolo, delavnice. Zelo zanimiva in lepa vasica. Turistov pa skoraj ni bilo, tako, da sva lahko v miru uživali v kavi.
Ericeira is located on the coast north of Lisbon and boasts beautiful beaches. It is also one of the most popular European destinations for surfers.
Ericeira leži ob obali severni od Lizbone in se lahko pohvali s prelepimi plažami. Je tudi ena najbolj priljubljenih evropskih destinacij za surfarje.
The town of Cascais is also a popular tourist destination with beautiful beaches. The last day we spent resting and relaxing.
Tudi mesto Cascais je priljubljena turistična destinacija s prelepimi plažami. Zadnji dan sva porabili za počivanje in poležavanje na plaži.
Traveling with my daughter, a student? I'm glad I'm in a good physical condition. In addition to traveling with public transportation, we walked about 20 km almost every day. She can find information on mobile phone instantly; well, I need some time... After a week, I know a little more about her plans and her dreams. The last secret about Lisbon, beautiful cork bags can be bought there. Just the right for our girl. Yes, she managed to pack one of them in her suitcase.
In potovanje s hčerko, študentko? Vesela sem, da imam kar nekaj kondicije. Poleg prevozov z javnimi prevoznimi sredstvi sva skoraj vsak dan prehodili okoli 20 km. Ona poišče informacije na mobiju v sekundi, jaz pa potrebujem nekaj več časa... Po enem tednu vem malo več o njenih načrtih in sanjah. In še zadnja skrivnost o Lizboni, na stojnicah prodajajo čudovite torbice iz plute. Ravno prave za našo punco. Ja, eno je uspela strpati v kovček.
Ericeira, is amazing. I love the cute, blue and white buildings. So much to enjoy with your daughter in this special week. It must have been blissful relaxing on the beach on your last day.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful vacation with your girl. Portugal is a beautiful for time together with your young woman.