Lisbon, Sintra

Sintra is a town located on a hill near Lisbon. Once it was a resort town for wealthy Portuguese who settled there. Today it is a magnet for tourists. It can be reached by public transport. My favourite place was the mystical Quinta da Regaleira estate. It has a unique style, so fairytale and mystical and green. In addition to the palace, we admired a huge garden with exotic vegetation, artificial lakes and waterfalls, huge trees, an initiation well and underground tunnels. Sintra has a rainier climate than Lisbon, even though they are close together. The special microclimate is the cause of lush vegetation and a beautiful green garden. We spent too much time there and took a lot of photos, but that's exactly the charm of self-organized vacations.
Mestece Sintra postavljeno na hribu se nahaja v bližini Lizbone in je dosegljivo z javnim prevozom. Sintra je bila nekoč letoviško mesto za bogate Portugalce, ki so tam postavili svoje palače. Danes je magnet za turiste. Med palačami mi je bila najbolj všeč mistična Quinta da Regaleira, ker je malo drugačna, taka pravljična. Poleg palače sva tu občudovali ogromen vrt z eksotičnim rastlinjem, z umetnimi jezeri in slapovi, ogromnimi drevesi, z čudovitim vodnjakom in podzemnimi rovi. Sintra ima veliko več dežja kot Lizbona, čeprav sta blizu. Posebna mikroklima je vzrok za bujno rastlinje in prelep zelen vrt. Tu sva porabili malo preveč časa in naredili ogromno fotk, ampak ravno to je čar dopustov v lastni režiji.

Later, we visited the other palaces in Sintra: Pena palace, 
Kasneje sva si ogledali še ostale palače v Sintri:  palačo Pena, 
National palace,
nacionalno palačo 
and Moors castle.
in grad Castelo dos Mouros.


  1. Sinatra is like a fantasy, so far from our real lives it was almost magical.

  2. Spectacular photos of such unique architecture. I'm very jealous!


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