our garden in October 2023

This November was unusually warm and rainy. A few days ago, dahlias and roses were still blooming in the garden.
Letošnji November je nenavadno topel in deževen. Pred nekaj dnevi so na vrtu še cvetele dalije in vrtnice.
Although, it is November, strawberries are blooming, I also noticed small flowers on the apple tree.
Čeprav je november, cvetijo jagode, opazila sem tudi majhne cvet na jablani.
We picked the last peppers, harvested the pumpkins, and planted onions and winter lettuces.
Pobrali smo zadnje paprike in pospravili buče, ter posadili čebulo in zimske solate.
Due to some urgent work in the greenhouse, no vegetables will be planted there this year. Since our fig tree was overgrown and was home to a lot of wasps and other insects, we removed it. Now I am thinking about what to plant in its place. Something is missing there, isn’t it?
V rastlinjaku moramo opraviti nekaj nujnih del, zato letos v njem ne bo zelenjave. Ker je bila naša figa preveč velika in je v njej domovalo ogromno os in drugih žuželk, smo jo odstranili. Trenutno razmišljam, kaj bi posadili na njeno mesto. Zdi se mi, da tam nekaj manjka.
Kiwis will be harvested soon.
Kmalu bo potrebno pospraviti tudi kivi.
The garden is completely soggy, and the soil barely absorbs water. These are pictures from a few days ago, when the Soča river briefly crossed its banks. We hope the rains will end soon.
Vrt je čisto razmočen in zemlja komaj vpija vodo. Tole pa so slike izpred nekaj dni, ko je Soča za kratek čas prestopila bregove. Upamo, da se bo deževje kmalu umirilo.


  1. I'm interested in the netting you have over your vegetable garden. It looks like something I need too. The weave appears to allow sunshine through and is also light weight enough to drape over the plants without smashing them. This is a good idea and something I will try next year.

    Be careful of flooding roads and stay safe.


    1. You are right. The netting allows sunshine through, it's light and a good protection against deer. Here it's available in every agricultural store.

  2. I hope you don’t have any flooding. You have beautiful blooms later in the year than we do.

  3. Hope the rain has stopped and don't get the storm that is currently battering our windows! Lovely to take a wander around your productive and beautiful garden. Sarah x

  4. It would seem that the northern hemisphere is getting all the moisture that the southern hemisphere would so love. I hope the sun appears to dry the ground soon. Your garden is so productive with flowers and vegetables.

  5. Margi - my goodness, that flooding looks very serious. I am so surprised to see all that was still blooming in your garden - mine is brown, brown, brown, and we have had 4 inches or more of snow already (but now melted). I have been away from blogging since June, and I am so happy to have some moments to catch up with everyone.

  6. Dear Margi - Hope the flooding was not serious. My November has been also unusually warm, but not rainy. Strawberries bloom white flowers here, too.


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