autumn scenes
It has been raining continuously for the past few days, water pours from the sky, and the roads are occasionally flooded. We took advantage of the only dry and at least partially sunny day to wander around the Karst. Autumn is the perfect time to enjoy the red shades of Smoke bush. Although we have already visited these places once in the spring, this time we repeated the trip to Veliki Badin with our little son. It wasn't boring at all because we listened to stories from his school life.
Zadnje dneve neprestano dežuje, voda se zliva z neba, občasno so poplavljene ceste. Edini suh in vsaj delno sončen dan smo izkoristili za potep po Krasu. Jesen je namreč pravi čas za uživanje v pogledu na rdeče odtenke ruja. Čeprav sva te kraje že obiskala nekoč v pomladnem času, sva tudi tokrat z najinim ta malim šla do Velikega Badina. Res nam ni bilo dolgčas, saj smo cel dan poslušali zgodbice iz šole.
From the church of St. Kvirik to the Veli Badin rock is less than an hour of easy walking suitable for any season. The red painted bushes can be observed only in autumn. That's why we wandered around the nearby area, between dry grass and red bushes. They are especially beautiful when they glow in the autumn sun.
Od cerkvice sv. Kvirika do cilja je manj kot ura lahke hoje primerna za vsak letni čas. Tele rdeče grme pa lahko opazujemo le jeseni. Zato smo se malo potepali še po bližnji gmajni, med suho travo in rdečimi grmi. Ti so posebej lepi, ko zažarijo v jesenskem soncu.
There haven't been many sunny days lately. So, they are precious and shouldn't be wasted indoors. Smoke bushes don't glow forever, soon winter will take the glowing colours and the landscape will be completely changed.
Letošnjo jesen ni prav veliko sončnih dni. Zato jih je potrebno izkoristiti. Ruj namreč ne žari neskončno dolgo, kmalu bo zima vzela žareče barve in pokrajina bi spet čisto drugačna.
You captured those bushes beautifully. The reds are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteA beautiful area to visit at this time of year. I remember those unique rock formations from your earlier visit.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to have finally had a sunny day to totally enjoy the amazing autumn colour of the Smoke Bush. I love the image of Father and son side by side.