our garden in September 2023
September was lovely! The summer colours have been replaced by autumn ones. In our garden autumn astra are blooming. The weather is incredibly warm and it's wonderful to spend afternoons in the garden. Although the days end early, and the temperature drops in the evenings.
Septembrsko vreme je čudovito. Poletne barve počasi zamenjujejo jesenske. Trenutno v vrtu cvetijo jesenske astre. Vreme je nenavadno toplo in najlepše je, če popoldan lahko preživim na vrtu. Dnevi se sicer hitro končajo in zvečer postane hladno.
The squashes are getting yellow and orange.Buče postajajo rumene in oranžne.
Some Asimina fruits have already fallen off the tree due to wind in the last few days.
Zaradi vetra je nekaj plodov asimine že padlo na tla.This summer wasn't spectacular in terms of gardening, but in the end it wasn't so bad.
Letošnje poletni vrtnarjenju ni bilo najbolj naklonjeno, ampak na konce sploh ni tako slabo.
Zaradi vetra je nekaj plodov asimine že padlo na tla.This summer wasn't spectacular in terms of gardening, but in the end it wasn't so bad.
Letošnje poletni vrtnarjenju ni bilo najbolj naklonjeno, ampak na konce sploh ni tako slabo.
Our cats love resting in the autumn sun and they love cuddling as well.
Naše mačke imajo rade jesensko sonce in še raje se crkljajo.
Autumn asters, Dahlias, Mums, good harvest, a lovely cat, and sunshine... all is nice in your garden, Margi. Contrary to your September, mine was miserably hot and humid, but at last autumn is in the air. Have a nice week.
It’s all looking beautiful. It’s been a very strange summer. Hot at first then two grey damp months and now a very hot September. Your garden is certainly thriving. B x
ReplyDeleteAsters are so beautiful this time of year. We are enjoying the wild ones everywhere we go. Beautiful photos!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic harvest! Your watermelon looks delicious. I found a tiny one hidden under the sweet potato vines and snatched it up immediately. The flavor wasn't great but we enjoyed it anyway.
September in your garden has been just wonderful, Margi! The asters surrounding and flowing from the barrel are amazing. Your rose image filled me with bliss amd your harvest was very successful.
ReplyDeleteWow your garden is looking very productive and beautiful this month. The asters are defintely a highlight in our garden too this month! Sarah x
ReplyDeleteWonderfull. I like your Garden. Elke