watching sunset from the mountain Lopatnik
The sun slowly sank behind the hills, the sky glowed in shades of red and it was completely calm. The sun disappeared far behind countless hills, it became colder and darker. These moments fill up a person's soul with beauty and bring positive energy.
Sonce je počasi potonilo za hribe, nebo se je obarvano v odtenke rdeče in vse je bilo čisto mirno. Sonce je izginilo tam daleč za nešteto hribi, postalo je hladneje in temno. Ti trenutki napolnijo človeku dušo z lepoto in prinesejo pozitivno energijo.
On Saturday afternoon we went from the village Drežniške Ravne to Mt. Lopatnik. We were already a little late, so we had to hurry up. First, it was necessary to climb up to the Zapleč mountain pasture, then we continued along the grassy slope to the Vrata pass, from where we needed only a few minutes to climb to the top of Lopatnik. The rosehip bushes are pure red, and the leaves are changing colour. The path along the grassy slope was poorly marked, but there were no particular problems with orientation. Below the peak there are many traces of the First World War.
V soboto popoldne sva iz Drežniški Raven na Lopatnik. Bila sva že malo pozna, zato sva morala precej pohiteti. Najprej je bilo potrebno povzpeti do planine Zapleč, nato sva nadaljevala po travnatem pobočju do prelaza Vrata, od koder sva potrebovala le še nekaj minut vzpona na vrh Lopatnika. Narava dobiva jesenske barve, grmi šipka so čisto rdeči. Pot po travnatem pobočju je slabo označena, vendar z orientacijo ni posebnih problemov. Pod vrhom je veliko ostankov iz prve svetovne vojne.
We spent about 3.5 hours ascending to the top of Mt. Lopatnik. The height difference is 1262 m. We were returning to our car in the dark with the help of headlamps.
Za pot do vrha Loparnika sva porabila približno 3,5 ur in višinska razlika znaša 1262 m. Vračala sva se po temi s pomočjo čelnih svetilk.
What a magical sight. Love the different layers of the mountains. Beautiful. B x
ReplyDeleteQuite the trek! Well done! Don’t know if I could take that on…
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos of the fading light. That was quite a climb you had there - I always disliked descending using a headlamp.
ReplyDeleteI love your opening paragraph, Margi! Beautifully written. I would loved to have joined you on this sunset adventure.
ReplyDeleteSuch amazing views and words, Margi! Sigh! When I saw your header photo, I thought: Can such a gorgeous place really exist? I want to move to live there! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really, really glad I found your blog. Happy October!
Wow, stunning. Love the photos. x