vrt v oktobru / our garden in October 2022

The weather in October was wonderful, warm and sunny. Some roses bloomed in the garden.
Oktobra je bilo krasno vreme, toplo in sončno. Na vrtu je zacvetelo nekaj vrtnic.
Just before we could observe more roses flowering, they mysteriously disappeared during the night. Not only the buds and flowers, but also the leaves have disappeared. Eventually, we found out who likes roses so much.
Ravno preden kot smo lahko opazovali cvetje vrtnic, so te preko noči skrivnostno izginile. Ne samo popki in cvetovi, tudi listi so izginili. Postopoma smo le ugotovili, komu so vrtnice tako zelo všeč.
Autumn asters bloomed at the beginning of the month.
Jesenske astre so cvetele v začetku meseca.
Winter lettuce and onions are growing in the greenhouse. We had to protect practically the whole garden from deer, otherwise our winter vegetables would already disappear.
V rastlinjaku raste zimska solata in čebula. Vrt pa smo morali zaščititi pred srnami, sicer bi našo zimsko zelenjavo že pojedli.
Cucumbers planted about a month ago are growing slowly.
Kumare posajene pred približno mesecem dni počasi rastejo.
We didn't grow any beans this year, due to the extremely hot summer, but a few ripened this month.
Zaradi pretoplega poletja letos nismo imeli fižola, le nekaj ga je dozorelo šele ta mesec.
Late fall strawberries are a wonderful dessert.
Pozno jesenske jagode so čudovita poslastica.
Our little kaki tree had its first fruits, which we picked today.
Naš mali kaki je letos imel prve plodove, ki smo jih danes potrgali.
The kiwis are still in the garden, we will pick them before the first frost.
Kiviji so še vedno na vrtu, pobrali jih bomo pred prvo slano.
At this time of the year the garden is decorated with trees with colorful leaves.
V tem času vrt krasijo drevesa s pisanim listjem.
The days are warm, but the mornings are foggy and it takes a long time before the sun shine dispels the fog. In the morning I watched the dew on the cobwebs glistening in the morning sun. It looks perfect, doesn't it?
Dnevi so topli, jutra pa meglena in zelo dolgo traja preden sonce posije skozi meglo. Zjutraj sem opazovala roso na pajčevinah, ki se lesketa v jutranjem soncu. Videti je perfektno, kajne?


  1. Sorry you have had an unwelcome visitor in the garden, eating your beautiful roses. Your crop of kiwi fruit is amazing, do they store well? Sarah x

    1. Stored in a cool place, kiwis can last until April.

  2. Your autumn produce is a great idea and everything is looking good! The dew on cobwebs is a beautiful capture!

  3. Hello, Margi. Magical season of fruitfulness and art in your garden! I didn’t know deer ate roses. I wonder if it ate even thorns. Have a nice autumn ahead.


    1. In fact, I also admire the deer for being so careful and not hurting themselves with thorns.

  4. WOW what a gigantic fruit and vegetable harvest, Margi.

    As happy as you are when you see deers, but they should leave the roses alone, shouldn't they ?


  5. What a bountiful, colourful garden you have! it appears that not only is autumn changing the face of the garden, but the deer want to too. All so lovely.

  6. Margi - you have been blessed with a bountiful harvest! I can relate to the deer eating your roses - they have acres of food around us, and yet they have an attraction for anything in my flower garden! Your shots of the spider webs in the dew are so delicate and pretty - a wonder of nature! Thanks for leaving a comment on my last blog post!

  7. Zelo, zelo lep in barvit vrt in fotografije pa kot vedno čudovite.


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