in the woods / v gozdu
The rain stopped yesterday, the sun shone, and we had an opportunity to walk around the forest and to discover the treasures beneath the old trees. We saw lots of mushrooms.
Dež je prenehal, posijalo je sonce, midva pa sva šla v gozd. Hodila sva po mokri travi in odkrivala zaklade skrite pod starimi drevesi. Videla sva veliko gob.
The beautiful, but poisonous ones,
Tistih zelo lepih, a strupenih,
and a whole bunch of those that we don't know their names
pa cel kup takih, ki jih ne poznava
and also the ones that everyone is looking for.
in tudi takih, ki bi jih vsi z veseljem nabrali.
We don't have red and white mushrooms in Australia. For many years I thought they were only found in story books!