Mount Mangart
We went to Mount Mangart two or three weeks ago, at that time the larch trees were barely turning yellow. We did not reach the top of the mountain, because shortly before the scree the path became icy and the wire rope was covered with snow. The mountain didn’t let us reach the top this time. Like many other mountaineers, we returned to Mangartsko sedlo, enjoying the view of Mount Mangart,
Na Mangart sva šla že pred dvema ali tremi tedni, takrat so macesni komaj dobivali rumeno barvo. Vrha nisva dosegla, saj je bila malo pred meliščem pot poledenela in jeklenica prekrita s snegom. Gora nas tokrat ni pustila na vrh. Kot še veliko drugih planincev sva se vrnila ma Mangartsko sedlo, uživala v pogledu na Mangart,
the Belopeška lakes
na Belopeška jezera
and many sheep grazing on the hillside.
Larch trees weren't really yellow yet, but deciduous trees are already getting a golden yellow color. There are many beech trees in this area. Obviously, we didn't reach our goal this time, but we enjoyed the autumn day in the middle of the hills.
Macesni res še niso bili rumeni, zlato rumeno barvo, pa že dobivajo listavci. V tem delu je veliko bukev. Res, da cilja tokrat nisva dosegla, ampak uživala sva v jesenskem dnevu sredi hribov.
Love those upward shots into the trees. It always pays to look up.
ReplyDeleteThe sheep must like mountains!
Awesome, dramatic beauty and such a surprise to see the sheep! I guess they have now been taken to lower pastures.