the Seceda hike

The starting point for the hike to Seceda is a cable car Col Raiser on the village Santa Cristina, which is located in Val Gardena Valley. It is possible to walk directly from the parking lot, but the cable car ride saves us about 600 m of ascent and some energy.
Izhodišče pohoda na Secedo je gondola na Col Raiser iz vasi Santa Cristina dolini Gardena. Peš se lahko odpravimo že od parkirišča, ampak žičnica nam prihrani kakšnih 600 m vzpona in nekaj energije.
The cable car leads to a cottage with a terrace and a beautiful view. A little further from the cottage is a bunch of signs. Here, most hikers chose trail no. 1, which leads across meadows with many wooden cottages. Since there are really many routes, it is good if you have an app on your mobile phone for easier orientation. The entire plateau is dotted with wooden huts, the whole place is a pure mountain idyll and a real paradise for photographers.
Žičnica pripelje do koče s teraso z prekrasnim razgledom. Malo naprej od koče je kup smerokazov. Tu je največ pohodnikov izbralo št. 1, ki vodi čez travnike mimo lesenih koč. Ker je poti res veliko, je dobro, če imate na mobiju kašno aplikacijo za lažjo orientacijo. Cela planota je posejana z lesenimi kočami, ena taka čista gorska idila in pravi raj za fotografiranje.
On the top of Seceda, we are rewarded with the famous view, where photographing is almost an obligation.
Na vrhu Secede se nam ponuja tisti znameniti pogled , kjer je fotografiranje skoraj obvezno.
After enjoying the beautiful landscape and views, we went down the left side towards the smaller Pieralongia hut, where other wonders of nature can be admired. We met donkeys and sheep there, living in a little mountain paradise.
Po uživanju v čudoviti pokrajini in razgledih smo se spustili po levi strani proti manjši koči Pieralongia, kjer lahko spet občudujete čudeže narave. Tu so bili tudi osli in oslički, pa ovčke, tak mali gorski raj.
To reach the top of Seceda from cable car Col Raiser, it is necessary to climb about 580 m, which takes about three hours. I spent a lot more, because I really couldn't rush in a place like this.
Da samo prišli na vrh Secede od žičnice se je bilo treba povzpeti okoli 580 m, kar traja okoli tri ure. Porabila sem veliko več časa, saj na takem kraju človek res ne more hiteti.


  1. WOW ich kenne die Seceda nur vom Winter, was für schöne Impressionen, Ihr habt bestimmt eine wundervolle Zeit gehabt.

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke

  2. I want to be there too! Love the valley with the cottages! Gorgeous!

  3. Margi - the jagged nature of the mountains is so unique - I can understand why a photographer could spend hours here ... The mountain views with the cabins is so classic. I wonder about the cabins - do people live there year-round? Are they for shepherds or cowherds? Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I think people are staying there for weekends or vacations. I would love to live there all the time.

  4. I so want to return! The views are superb. I wouldn't want to rush either! Thank you for this visit.


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