mountain Lagazuoi
Mount Lagazuoi is famous for its wartime tunnels dug by Austrian and Italian soldiers during the First World War. There are definitely many remains from this period all over the area. You can get to the top of the mountain through the tunnels inside the hill or by taking the normal route. Most hikers go up through the tunnels and return down over the mountain slope. If you decide to climb the tunnels inside the hill, a headlamp is mandatory and necessary. The hike from the starting point to the peak of mountain Lagazuoi (2778 m elevation) takes a little more than two hours. Well, there is also the third option for reaching the top and that is by cable car.
Gora Lagazuoi je znana po tem, da je prepredena s tuneli, ki so jih izkopali avstrijski in italijanski vojaki med prvo svetovno vojno. Povsod na tem območju je veliko ostankov iz tega obdobja. Na vrh gore lahko pridemo po tunelih v hribu ali po normalni poti. Večina pohodnikov gre navzgor skozi tunel, nazaj pa po hribu. V kolikor se odločite za vzpon po tunelih znotraj gore, je čelka obvezna in nujna. Pot od izhodišča do vrha Lagazuoi (2778 m) traja malo več kot 2 uri, povzpeti pa se je treba 673 m višine. No ja, obstaja še tretja možnost za vzpon na vrh in sicer vožnja z nihajko.
The starting point for the ascent to Lagazuoi is the Passo Falzarego. The path first leads us along the macadam road closed for traffic. After a short ascend we approach the spot with a sign towards the left for the gallery, right for the usual mountain path. While we were climbing up the grassy slope, we soon noticed some marmots near their homes. On the saddle of the forcella Travenres we reach the crossroad of footpaths, where we continue in the direction of the hut. The upper station of the cable car is clearly visible and cannot be missed. A little further from the cottage is a peak of the hill with wonderful views of the mighty mountains. It was quite windy and cold on the top in mid-September, so we soon returned to the starting point.
Izhodišče za vzpon na Lagazuoi je prelaz Passo Falzarego .Pot nas najprej vodi po slabši makadanski vesti, ki se po krajšem vzponu razdeli in sicer levo za galerijo, desno za običajno planinsko pot. Nato se vzpenjamo po travnatem pobočju, kjer kmalu opazimo, da tu domujejo svizci. Na sedlu forcella Travenres pridemo do razpotja, kjer nadaljujemo v smeri koče. Zgornja postaja žičnice je dobro vidna in je ne moremo zgrešiti. Vrh hriba je še nekoliko naprej od koče in ponuja čudovite razglede na mogočne gore. Sredi septembra je bilo na vrhu precej vetrovno in hladno, zato smo se kmalu vrnili na izhodišče.
We had read about the war tunnels and I believe they are not that far from Cinque Torri. Whilst hiking there we were stunned at the surival of armies especially in winter in these ruggard mountainous conditions.