večerni sprehodi / evening walks

Po končanem delu grem rada na večerni sprehod. Tako sproščujoče je. Narava se pripravlja na počitek, mirno je in tiho, čudovit zaključek dneva. Nebo je včasih oranžno in naš mali kraj ob takih večerih zgleda poseben.
After finishing work, I usually go for an evening walk, which is quite relaxing. Nature is ready to rest, it's peaceful and quiet, a perfect end of the day. The sky is colourful sometimes and our ordinary hometown looks special on such an evening.

Po koncu majskega deževja je naša Soča spet čista in zelena.

After a rain period in May our river Soča is clear and green again.

Na travnikih je polno živine.
Some cattle are out in the nearest meadows.

Moje slike pa lahko vidite v izložbi picerije v našem malem kraju. Prav čuden občutek je, ko ko grem mimo in jih na hitro pogledam.
My paintings are put on display in a pizza restaurant window in our small town. It's a funny feeling, when I pass by and glance at the window with a corner of my eye.


  1. Your hometown may look ordinary to you, but it's extremely beautiful to my eye. The light is amazing at that time of day and your photos show it to perfection.

  2. You like in a stutting part of the world. Love the photos and how wonderful to have your paintings on display. Anesha x

  3. Dear Margi,
    wonderful pictures made with love and passion. Such a beautiful mood. And your paintings are gorgeous! WOW! I always facinated by people they can draw and paint.
    All my best from Carinthia and thank you so much for your lovely comment

  4. Gorgeous photos. I really like the late afternoon light and long shadows.

  5. Beautiful. I especially like the cow picture.

  6. Margi - so many gorgeous photos -- the second one is my favorite. And congratulations for having your artwork on display in the restaurant!

  7. Greetings and Salutations! Oh my goodness! This area is beyond beautiful. I am at loss for words.

  8. You sure do have a beautiful hometown!

  9. Margi - I like the sentence "Nature is ready to rest." That is how it feels here, too. Your second photo is stunning!


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