lepota v belem / white beauty

Golica (1835 m) je vrh v zahodnih Karavankah, na meji med Slovenijo in Avstrijo. Znana je po belih poljih narcis, ki v maju pokrivajo Golico in sosednje pašnike. Letos zaradi slabega vremena cvetijo malo kasneje.
Golica (1835 m) is a mountain peak in the Western Karavanke Alps, on the border between Slovenia and Austria. It is known mainly for its fields of wild white narcissi, which cover Golica and surrounding pastures in May. This year they are blooming a little late because of bad weather in early spring.

Na Golici smo bili v soboto popoldne. Tokrat se nama je pridružila moja sestra. Čeprav je dopoldne še delala in sva bila tudi midva precej zasedena, nam je uspelo najti nekaj prostega časa. Na sprehod med polji cvetočih narcis lahko greš le enkrat na leto in tega nismo hoteli zamuditi. Mi smo se vzpenjali popoldne, večina obiskovalcev pa se je že vračala v dolino.
We went there last Saturday afternoon. This time my sister joined us. Even though she was working in the morning and we were busy, we managed to find free time. A trip to the daffodil slopes is once-a-year-experience and we didn't want to miss it. We got to the peak in the late afternoon and most of the visitors had already left and were walking down to the valley.

Golica in okoliške planine so v tem času zelo priljubljene med planinci. Bela lepota gore pritegne veliko obiskovalcev. V dobri družbi je dve in pol urni vzpon hitro minil. Na vrhu je lep razgled na Avstrijo in Slovenijo. Tu smo opazovali ovčke, ki so mulile svežo travo. Vrnili smo se po polju narcis. Vonj cvetlic je bil zelo močan, celo premočan.
Mountaineering on Golica and surrounding mountains is very popular at this time of the year. The white beauty of the mountain is very attractive. As we were in good company, about two and a half hours of ascent passed very quickly. On the peak there is a great view of Austria and Slovenia and some sheep enjoyed fresh green grass. On our return to the starting point, we crossed the field of narcissi. The flowers' smell was so strong, almost too strong.

Moja sestra živi na Gorenjskem in je obiskala že številne vrhove v tem delu Slovenije. Ideje, katere Gorenjske hribe lahko še obiščeva, bodo prišle zelo prav med počitnicami.
My sister lives in this part of Slovenia, so she visited many of the Gorenjska mountains. Her suggestions of visiting different peaks are welcome ideas for future holidays.


  1. Astonishingly beautiful. I've never seen anything quite like it. Thanks for your excellent photos.

  2. Wow, this is stunning. You live in a truly amazing place. Have a great week. Anesha x

  3. The scernery is breath taking#anythinggoes@_karendennis

  4. The narcissus flowering is fantastic!

  5. That would be divine!! And the aroma....! #TravelTuesday

  6. Ten times wow - absolutely stunning!

  7. These are some thrilling and beautiful mountain top views!

  8. Just gorgeous. Thank you for visiting my blog. I will follow yours.

  9. Wow! That's some amazing scenery in white :)

    Thanks for choosing to share your link this week at 'My Corner of the World' !

  10. Wow! That's absolutely stunning!
    Thanks so much for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/06/a-visit-to-garden.html


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