Krnsko jezero / Krn lake

Zaradi nekaj dni dopusta sem v zaostanku s tole objavo. Prejšnjo nedeljo smo šli do Krnskega jezera. Izlet ni nič posebnega, saj je jezero blizu nas. Kljub temu sem bila zelo vesela, saj sva po dolgem času šla skupaj z hčerko in malim sinom. Punca je sredi izpitnega obdobja, malo fizične aktivnosti ji bo prineslo novo energijo. Mali pa od energije kar prekipeva, pri jezeru je bil veliko pred nami.
A few rest days are the reason that I’m a little late with blogging. Last Sunday we had a family trip to Krn lake. The trip is nothing special or new considering the vicinity of the lake. But I was very fond of a trip with my daughter and my youngest boy. She is a student in the middle of the exam period. So, the trip was just a short break to collect energy. My youngest boy is overwhelmed with energy and he had reached at the destination before us.

Jezero je polno majhnih ribic. Vedno se sprašujem, kako preživijo zimo pod snegom in ledom.
The lake is full of very small fish. I wonder how they survive the winter in the lake under the ice and snow.

V dolini je poletje, tu sredi hribov pa zgodnja pomlad. Prečkati smo morali zasneženo pobočje. Pri jezeru smo občudovali planinske rožice, ki so rasle zraven snega. Krave in osel so pozirali obiskovalcem, osel je bil glavna atrakcija dneva.
It was summer down in the valley, but there, in the middle of the mountains, it was an early spring. We had to cross the snowy hillside and beside the lake visitors admired a combination of snow and flowers. Cows and a donkey loved to pose for a picture, in fact the donkey was the main attraction. 


  1. What a glorious place to hike to. Good idea to have a little break in the middle of exams - I hope she does well.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous. That last shot is amazing!
    Thanks for sharing at


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