s kolesom / cycling
Končno je bil spet vikend in lahko cel dan porabiva zase. A kaj, ko sem v soboto zjutraj zaspala. Razpoloženje ni bilo ravno najboljše, planinski izlet je odpadel. Nisem zaspala namenoma in nisem hotela toliko zamujati, ampak, enostavno ni bil moj dan. Na koncu smo spremenili načrte in se odpeljali do Cerkniškega jezera. Kolesarili smo okoli jezera, ki je poleti skoraj suho. Pred nekaj tedni je bilo tu še vse poplavljeno, sedaj pa lahko občudujemo travnike polne rožic. Nekatere sem videla prvič. Kolesarjenje ni bilo preveč naporno, saj ni veliko vzponov in spustov. Res, uživanje!
It was weekend at last and we could have a day for ourselves. I slept too long on Saturday morning and our planned trip to the mountains had to be cancelled. Therefore, the mood in the house wasn't the best, I didn’t oversleep deliberately and I didn’t want to delay, but it just wasn't my day. At last, we changed our plants and drove to Ceknica. We cycled around the lake which is almost dried up in the summer time. A few weeks ago, these meadows were overflooded. Now there are plenty of colourful flowers, some of them I've seen for the first time. The cycling wasn't hard, there weren't many ups and downs and I really enjoyed the day.
Pokrajina in narava ob jezeru sta čudoviti. Lansko poletje smo bili tam prvič, čeprav je le uro in pol vožnje oddaljeno od nas. Zaradi protikoronskih ukrepov smo raziskovali okolico, kar konec koncev niti ni bilo tako slabo.
The landscape and the nature around the lake is amazing. We were there last summer for the first time, even though it is only an hour and a half away. Well, covid restrictions made us discover our vicinity, which isn't so bad after all.
Z nama je bil tudi naš tamal. Obožuje bicikliranje, zato se je bilo treba prilagoditi in pozabiti na vmesni počitek. Ampak našla sem prijeten kotiček za naslednjič...
My youngest son went with us. He adores cycling, so there was no time for resting, we had to keep going. But I found a nice place for our next visit.

My youngest son went with us. He adores cycling, so there was no time for resting, we had to keep going. But I found a nice place for our next visit.

Some fine photos there from your bike ride. I think many people have found their local areas to be more interesting than they had imagined. We never see storks in this country. Over the years I've realised that scenes that are boringly familiar to me are exotic and strange to people reading the blog in lands far away.
ReplyDeleteSorry your trip was cancelled but it still looks like you made themost of the day - lovely!! #WWOT
ReplyDeleteLovely pictures !
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos! Thanks so much for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/06/woodpeckers-visit.html
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics
ReplyDeletelove the last shot
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to get out and see such gorgeous scenery!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you chose to share your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!
Margi - we all have off days - but it sounds like it was rescued by the cycling. Love the field of poppies!