drugačne počitnice na Hrvaškem / short break in Croatia

Odločitev, da porabiva par dni dopusta na Hrvaškem je bila sprejeta predvsem zaradi protikoronskih ukrepov. Hrvaška je naša soseda in verjetno najlažje dostopna. Pred leti, ko so bili najini otroci še majhni, smo tam dopustovali vsako poletje. Toplo morje, številni otoki in lepe plaže so bili najboljša izbira. Tokrat sva bila sama z možem. S seboj sva vzela bicikle in gojzarje, saj sva hotela aktivne počitnice. Ker sva hotela videti nekaj novega, sva se odločila obiskati reke Krupo, Cetino in Zrmanjo. Odpeljala sva se proti celini in takoj je postalo jasno, da ta regija ni tako privlačna za turiste, kot je obala. Pogorele hiše na tem območju še vedno spominjajo na vojno. Srečala sva zelo malo ljudi. Temperature pa so bile tudi tu zelo visoke, okoli 35 °C.

je bila najina prva reka. Najlepši del reke je Kudin most. Spomenik, ki izvira iz 18-tega stoletja, je gotovo ena od skritih lepot Hrvaške, pravi mali raj.
Legenda pravi, da je most sezidal mlad fant Kuda, ki se je zaljubil v punco, ki je živela na nasprotnem bregu. Da je lahko prišel do nje, je zgradil most. Do mostu sva se spuščala okoli 20 minut in vmes opazovala reko.

The decision to spend a short holiday in Croatia was made mostly because to covid restrictions. Croatia is our neighbour country and probably the most accessible. Years ago, when our kids were small, we used to spend our summer vacation there. Warm sea, many islands and lovely beaches were the best choice for summer holidays. This time we were just two, me and my husband. We took our bikes and hiking boots with us as we wanted an active break. To experience something new, we visited three Croatia rivers Krupa, Cetina and Zrmanja. To reach them we drove through the countryside and it was clear that it is not a very popular tourist region in comparison with the seaside. Burned houses stand silent witnesses to war in the region and we saw very few people. The temperature was high, about 35 °C.

was our first stop. The most beautiful part of the river is “Kudin Most” or Kuda’s bridge, a protected monument from the 18th century and one of the hidden beauties of Croatia, actually a little piece of paradise.
According to legend the bridge was built by a young man Kuda, who fell in love with a girl who lived in a village across the Krupa River. In order to reach her, he had to find a crossing. He built a bridge to get to the other side of the river, to the girl he loved. To reach the bridge we had to go downhill for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, we enjoyed amazing view on the river.
Moj mož je včasih otročji in kar ni mogel, da ne bi skakal v vodo. Navsezadnje to ni bila slaba ideja, saj se je ohladil pred vzponom do avta.
My husband behaved childish and jumped in the water, which after all wasn’t such a bad idea. He had cooled down before returning to our car.
Ustavila sva se tudi pri samostanu na Krupi. Ko sem pogledala skozi vhodna vrata, tam ni bilo nikogar, samo prazno notranje dvorišče z rožami.
We stopped at Krupa monastery, too. When I looked through the front door, nobody was there, I could see the interior yard and lots of flowers.
izvira na severozahodnih pobočjih Dinare. Izvir Veliko vrilo je zelo, zelo globoko brezno. Potapljači so uspeli priti 115 metrov globoko, pa še niso videli dna. Zaradi oblike ga imenujejo tudi modro oko.
Izvir Cetine je znamenitost, ki se ne nahaja ravno zraven glavne prometne ceste in zato ga ne obišče ogromno ljudi. Je pa celotno območje Dinare zelo lepo in vredno obiska. Do izvira se lahko pripeljemo z avtom, zato je bilo tu nekaj obiskovalcev. Veliko fotk (boljših od mojih) sem našla na internetu. Reko sva bosa prečkala zraven izvira. Skoraj sem kričala, tako je bila mrzla. Kasneje sem ugotovila, da je temperatura vode vedno okoli 8°C.

has its source in the north western slopes of Dinara. The source of the Cetina river Veliko vrilo is very, very deep and the divers got to 115 meters of depth (377 feet) but haven’t seen the end. Because of its shape it’s also called blue eye.
Cetina River source is one of those hidden sights that does not attract hordes of people just because it is not on the main tourist route. But the entire area of Dinara mountain is a beautiful part of the country worth exploring. Here there were some visitors because the source could be reached by car. I found some notes and a lot of pictures about this place on the internet. We walked barefoot just to cross the river near the source and I almost screamed out. It was ice cold! Later I found out that the temperature of the water is always about 8°C.
je znana po čisti, topli vodi, ozkem kanjonu in številnih slapovih. Reko je možno odkrivati z raftom ali kajakom. Midva pa sva se kopala v bližini enih od slapov.
Zrmanja River
is known for perfectly clear warm water, spectacular canyon with magnificent waterfalls and is great for rafting and kayaking. We spent a day swimming near one of the waterfalls.
Ob večerih sva se vračala na obalo in poiskala kamp, kjer sva prenočila.
In the evenings we returned to the seaside and found a campsite to stay overnight. 
Razgled z višine na otoke je nekaj posebnega.
The view from the higher point over the islands is spectacular.



  1. Oh my! This is such a gorgeous place! So glad you dropped by to share these photos at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/06/arty-sea-world.html

  2. Wow, such a interesting place. It is very exotic and yet some of the scenes look similar to what we have in Oklahoma.

  3. Such gorgeous views. I like all these images!

  4. What spectacularly beautiful scenery. My parents used to visit the Croatian coast, back in the days when it was all Yugoslavia; it was not too crowded then, I believe. Often to find the best places you only have to go a little way off the main tourist routes - just a few hundred yards is as far as most people will venture from their cars!

  5. Very beautiful - never really thought of waterfalls with Croatia. No idea why....#TravelTuesday

  6. Thanks for taking us along on your trip. Those waterfalls are gorgeous.

    Your link this week at 'My Corner of the World' is appreciated!


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