vrt v juniju / our garden in June 2021

Junij bi moral biti najboljši mesec za vrtnarjenje, pa ni vedno čisto tako. Deževnemu maju je sledil topel in sušen junij, zato smo ta mesec zaposleni z zalivanjem. Zadovoljna sem, da smo pred leti ugradili podzemni zbiralnik deževnice z naše strehe. Na začetku meseca je bil čisto poln, sedaj pa se že vidi dno.
V tem mesecu cveti veliko rož. Meni so najljubše vrtnice. Oranžna je letos zacvetela prvič.

June should be the star month in the garden, but it is not exactly as we want. A rain in May was followed by hot and draughty summer. This month we are busy with watering. I'm glad that we had installed an underground water cistern to collect rain from the roof of our house years ago. It was full of water at the beginning of the month, now, the bottom can be seen.
Lots of flowers are blooming, the roses are my favourites. The orange one is blooming for the first time.
Paradižnik v rastlinjaku je neverjetno zrastel. Upamo, da do kmalu dozorel. Ker živimo na robu vasi, se v našem vrtu masti veliko nepovabljenih gostov, kot so miši in zajci. Kljub temu imamo veliko solate, graha,...
The tomatoes in the greenhouse have grown enormously this month. We hope they are going to turn to red soon. We live at the edge of the village, so this year many uninvited guests like mice or rabbits are feasting in my vegetable garden. Still, we enjoyed lettuce, beans,...
Bazilika in paradižnik sta najboljša prijatelja, tako na vrtu, kot na krožniku.
Basilica and tomatoes are best friends in the garden and also on our plates.
Šetraj je zacvetel. Všeč mi je njegov vonj. Spominja me na morje.
Savory is already blooming. I love its smell. It reminds me of the sea.
Pri nas oljke niso ravno pogosto drevo. To leto naša oljka močno cveti. Mogoče pa bodo plodovi dozoreli in jih bomo lahko prvič poskusili.
Olive trees are not very common around here. This year our tree is blooming. Maybe some fruits will ripe and we will be able to taste them for the first time.
Naši limoni rastejo v loncih in nikoli nisem prav sigurna, kdaj jih pobrati. No, pobrali smo jih in bili so okusni.
I don't know exactly when to harvest lemons, which are grown in pots. So, we picked them and they were delicious.
Star sivkin grm je postal igrišče za naša mala mačka.
Old lavender bush is a playground for our little cats.


  1. The colors in your flowerbed are amazing! My flowerbed has been neglected by me this year so I can focus on getting more vegetables grown. It has become a big priority for us. The rising prices and shortages of food here in the USA has become alarming. When you first walk into a grocery store it appears fine, until you realize the products have been pulled forward to give the appearance of full shelves. There is food on the shelves but something is wrong.


  2. The garden looks beautiful, lots of beautiful flowers and the promise of tasty veggies to come.

  3. Beautiful blooms and your vegetables are further ahead than mine.

  4. Weather conditions seem to be confusing everywhere, Margi, but your garden looks very productive anyway. I love your orange rose - and the sweet kittens!

  5. What a colorful garden you have! These hot summer temperatures are wonderful, but the draught is the bad side. Such cute kitties ❤️

  6. Your cats are adorable! Oh the lemon tree, how nice. I had a lemon tree once and it produced a total of 9 lemons before it died...not meant for a Northern climate!!! The roses are so beautiful and congratulations on all of the lovely veggies and herbs!!

  7. You have kittens :~)) Roses are an essential comfort.

  8. Margi - I am so glad to have you join Mosaic Monday! Your garden seems to be thriving - what a blessing to have the cistern to aid with the watering. We had an unusual rainstorm on July 1, and I suspect that is the last of the precipitation we'll see until September. Fresh herbs for the kitchen are hard to beat, and I can taste the fresh lemons in lemonade ... Deliciously refreshing in the summer heat!

  9. Was für ein schöner blühender Garten und so viel Gemüse.
    L G Pia


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