the shelter Bivacco Gorizia

This time we went to the hills together with our daughter and younger son. I love those hiking trips with our children. They don't happen often so I'm fully aware that the time we spent together is precious. The day was full of laughs and our boy never runs out of funny remarks.
Tokrat sva šla v hribe skupaj z hčerko in mlajšim sinom. Skupni izleti so mi zelo pri srcu. Ne zgodi se prav pogosto, da gremo skupaj, zato še bolj cenim te trenutke, zaradi smeha in vseh smešnih pripomb, ki našemu tamalemu nikoli ne zmanjkajo.
We got up early in the morning and drove in the direction of Tarvisio (Trbiž), Italy. Near Rabelj lake we turned left towards Sella Nevea and parked in the vicinity. We chose the path marked 625 which goes through the forest area along the White Stream (Rio Bianco). Along the way, we observed a lively white stream and numerous small pools. 
Vstali smo zgodaj zjutraj in se peljali priti Trbižu do Rabeljslega jetera, kjer smo zavili levo proti Sella Nevea ter parkirali v bližini jezera. Pot z oznako 625 nas je najprej vodila skozi gozd ob Belem potoku (Rio Bianco). Med potjo smo opazovali živahen potok in številne majhne tolmunčke.
Approximately in the middle of the path is the abandoned Brunner hut and shortly after it the forest ends. It was quite windy at the bivouac, there were many visitors, including goats, who liked being photographed.
Približno na sredini poti je zapuščena koča Brunner, kmalu za kočo se gozd konča. Pri bivaku je bilo precej vetrovno, pa veliko obiskovalcev, tudi koz, ki so se zelo rade fotografirale.
The ascent to the Gorizia bivouac is not difficult, we have walked for about two and a half hours and overcame 980 m of height difference. After returning to the valley, we cooled our feet in an ice-cold stream. Cold, but refreshing!
Vzpon do bivaka Gorizzia ni zahteven, hodili smo približno dve uri in pol ter premagali 980 m višinske razlike. Ob povratku smo si ohladili noge v ledeno mrzlem potočku. Kako je prijalo!


  1. Spectacular! I would love to join you on hikes with these sensational views. Feet in cold water is totally invigorating.

  2. What a great day to go hiking with your children. Such a treat to be with them enjoying the outdoors!

  3. Eine wunderschöne Bergwanderung. Ich habe es sehr genossen, dich dabei begleiten zu dürfen.
    Gruß Anette


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