our garden in August 2023
Unlike cold and wet July, weather in August was hot and dry. Plants as well as people are confused dealing with this weather change. Lately dahlias or to be precise, what's left of them after last month's storms are blooming.
V nasprotji z mrzlim in deževnim julijem, je bil avgust vroč. Rastline in ljudje smo že čisto zmedeni zaradi spreminjajočega se vremena. Zadnje čase na vrtu svetijo dalije. Ali bolje povedano, tisto kar je od njih ostalo po nevihtnem juliju.
Tomatoes are ripening in enormous amounts, but black spots on them aren’t a good sign. Our garden produces lots of onions and potatoes, but due to the wet summer the fruits are starting to root. We had lots of cucumbers and green beans. Anyway, we managed to store some crops such as green beans for winter days.
Paradajzi hitro dozorevajo, ampak črne pike na plodovih niso dober znak. Pridelali smo precej čebule in krompirja, vendar plodovi zaradi deževnega poletja začenjajo gniti. Imeli smo tudi precej kumar in stročjega fižola. Nekaj pridelkov smo vsekakor uspeli shraniti za zimo.
At the moment we are looking forward to Asimina fruits to ripen.
Komaj čakamo, da bodo dozorele asimine.
Despite unusually large numbers of mosquitoes and their unfriendly behaviour at nights I find the garden a charming and relaxing place.
Kljub temu, da je zvečer ogromno komarjev in da so nadležni, je vrt vseeno očarljiv in miren kraj.
I love the fruit and veg from the garden this time of year!
ReplyDeleteIt's been an odd summer here too - though very little hot and dry.
ReplyDeleteMarji, I love your collages. The potatoes that you have been able to dig look so fresh and wonderful. A busy, and mostly rewarding, time for you.
ReplyDeleteWunderschöne Gartenimpressionen, Eure Ernte schaut gut aus, wir haben am Wochenende auch wieder viele Tomaten, Paprika und Bohnen geerntet.
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße
von Anke