Idstein, Germany

Idstein is a small German town with 25,000 inhabitants, about half an hour drive from Frankfurt. The buildings in the old part of the city were mostly built in the 17th century. They are made of wood and are very colorful. We only stopped for about two hours, so there was no time to explore the history of the place. The walk around the old city center was wonderful and relaxing. It is adorable, isn't it?
Idstein je majhno nemško mesto z okoli prebivalci, približno pol ure vožnje iz Frankfurta. Večina zgradb v starem delu mesta je bilo zgrajenih v 17-tem stoletju. Narejene so iz lesa in precej pobarvane. V mestu sva se ustavila le kakšni dve uri in nisva imela časa za raziskovanje zgodovine kraja. Sprehod po mestu je bil lep in sproščujoč. Kraj je čudovit.


  1. What a charming place! Out of the history books! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Totally adoreable, like so many small German towns.

  3. Liebe Margi,

    Du warst ganz bei uns in der Nähe, Idstein liegt keine 20 km von uns entfernt.
    Bei Deiner nächsten Reise magst Du vielleicht bei uns vorbeischauen ?

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke


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