Monte Guarda (Skutnik)

Yesterday it was very hot, above the average for this time of the year. Despite the warm day, we decided to climb Mt. Guarda (Skutnik) in search of the fresh air and idyllic views.
Včerajšnja nedelja je bila zelo vroča, nadpovprečna za ta čas. Mi smo kljub toplemu dnevu odšli v hribe, na Skutnik po sveži zrak in razglede.
First, we drove to the small village of Uccea (Učja) near the Italian border and parked just a little further from the church. The path marked 733 led us to the mountain Caal (Kal), and then we continued along the path marked 731 to the top of Mt. Guard (Skutnik).
Najprej smo se peljali do majhne vasice Uccea (Učja) v bližini italijanske meje in parkirali le malo naprej od cerkve. Pot z oznako 733 nas je vodila do planine Caal (Kal),nato pa smo nadaljevali po poti z oznako 731 do vrha Mt. Guarda (Skutnika).
At the beginning the path to the fairy-tale mountain pasture Caal (Kal) leads through the forest. It felt good walking in the forest, fresh and relaxing even though the day was hot. A little further from the tiny mountain pasture, the forest ends and we had to walk to the last part of the ascent along grassy slopes.
Najprej nas pot do pravljične planine Kal vodi po gozdu. Kljub vročemu dnevu je bila hoja po hladnem gozdu prijetna in sproščujoča. Malo od planine naprej pa se gozd konca in zadnji del vzpona poteka po travnatih pobočjih.
The final part of the route leads along the mountain ridge. Even though the sky wasn't very clear yesterday, we enjoyed the views over the valleys and mountains.
Čisto zadnji del poti poteka po grebenu. Čeprav včeraj nebo ni bilo najbolj jasno, smo uživali v razgledih na doline in sosednje hribe.
The climb to Mt. Guarda (Skutnik) is not demanding. We walked for a little over three hours and climbed 1,066 m above sea level. This time we hiked in a group of seven young people, our children and their friends and I am grateful for the time we spent together. Laughing, telling jokes and stories were a fantastic way to pass the time and as a bonus I learned some new things about people, contracting buildings and funny historic events.
Vzpon na Skutnik ni zahteven. Hodili smo malo več kot tri ure in na poti premagali 1066 m nadmorske višine. Tokrat smo šli na hrib v skupini sedmih mladih, najinih otrok in njihovih prijateljev, vsem sem jim zelo hvaležna za skupaj preživet čas. Smeh, pripovedovanje šal in zgodbic pomaga, da čas hitreje mine, zraven pa se sem se naučila kar nekaj novih stvari o ljudeh, konstrukciji zgradb, zanimivih dogodkih iz zgodovine…


  1. You were certainly walking on top of the world, Margi. both physically and emotionally. Just wonderful to be able to share this experience with your children and their friends.

  2. What a great hike, lovely views and with friends and family! Perfect!


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