potep po Franciji / a trip to France - part 3

Zaradi mojega vnosa napačnih koordinat v gps navigacijo sva se znašla v vasi Fontaine de Vaucluse, kjer je izvirala velika reka. Kraj je bil hladnejši od drugih in tu zelene ni manjkalo.
Because of me entering the wrong coordinates in the GPS navigation, we ended up in Fontaine de Vaucluse, a small town with a big, green river. The place was cooler than the others and there was no shortage of greenery here.

Peljala sva so do simpatičnega mesteca Gordes. Ker pa je bilo v mestu ogromno turistov, sva nadaljevala pot do samostana Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque.
We drove to the cute little town of Gordes. There were lots of tourists in the city, the place was totally crowded, so we continued our journey to the Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque monastery.
Rimski akvadukt Pont du Gard seveda nisva mogla izpustiti. Mene način, kako so ti ogromni kamni sestavljeni skupaj spominja na lego kocke. Ne vem, mogoče se motim.
Of course, we couldn't miss the Pont du Gard Roman aqueduct. The way these huge stones are put together reminds me of Lego. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.
Preden sva zavila proti severu, sva se ustavila še v mestu Arles-u, kjer je leto svojega življenja ustvarjal znameniti Van Gogh in tam tudi naslikal nekaj svojih mojstrovin.
Before turning north, we stopped in the city of Arles, where the famous Van Gogh spent a year of his life painting some of his masterpieces.
Dan sva zaključila z večernim kopanjem v morju.
We ended the day with an evening swim in the sea.


  1. Beautiful green river & old trees. It is ashtonishing how they could construct aqueducts like this at that time!

  2. That second photo is incredible! Just gorgeous! Love all of these photos, Margi.


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