vrt v juliju / our garden in July 2022

Suša je najpogostejša stvar, o kateri se zadnje čase pogovarjamo. Vroče je podnevi in ponoči, pa še veter piha in dodatno suši zemljo. Pogled na moj vrt je precej žalosten. Ne morem verjeti, da je šele konec julija. Vrt me bolj spomni na oktober, saj je precej gredic praznih.
Ta mesec sva bila na dopustu. Najin najstnik je pridno zalival rastline in jih tako ohranil pri življenju. Stalno zalivanje je težko delo. Pravzaprav ne zalivamo za večji pridelek, ampak samo toliko, da ohranimo rastline. Čeprav živimo med hribi in vodne zaloge naj tu ne bi bile problem, so letos reke zelo upadle, dež pa je nujno potreben. Naš vodni zalogovnik smo v teh dneh izpraznili in očistili, sedaj pa res upamo na nekaj dni dežja.
A drought is the most common thing we are talking about lately. It is hot during the day and at night, and the wind blows constantly and additionally dries the soil. The situation in my garden is rather sad. I can't believe it's only the end of July. The garden reminds me more of October, because many of the beds are empty.
We were on vacation this month. Our teenager carefully watered the plants and kept them alive. Constant watering is hard work. In fact, we don’t water plants to increase the crop, but only to preserve the plants. Although we live among the hills and water supplies should not be a problem here, the rivers have declined a lot this year, and rain is urgently needed. We have emptied and cleaned our water tank these days, and now we are really hoping for a few days of rain.
Na vrtu je bolj malo cvetja. Nekatere rože so se med cvetjem posušile.
There are fewer flowers in the garden. Some of the flowers dried up during flowering.
Sosednji travnik je čisto rjav.
The nearby meadow is completely brown and dry.
Sivka ne potrebuje veliko vode.
Lavender does not need a lot of water.
Navadno poleti sejem radič, por, komarček, nato pa sadike v avgustu presadim. Letos bo tudi sadik zmanjkovalo.
I usually plant radicchio, leeks, and fennel in the summer, and then plant the little plants in August, but not this year.
Pridelek česna je bil lep, ampak česen raste celo zimo. Čebula, ki sem jo posadila pomladi, pa je bila čisto drobcena.
The garlic was beautiful, but garlic grows all winter. On the contrary, the onion that I planted in the spring was tiny.
Najlepši del vrta je rastlinjak, ki ima urejeno stalno zalivanje.
The most beautiful part of the garden is the greenhouse, where regular watering is established.
Bazilika zelo lepo diši. Brez nje ni pravega poletja.
Basil smells very nice. There is no real summer without it.
Plodovi našija so čisto drobceni. Prav žalostno je opazovati, kako se sušijo tudi grmi in drevesa.
Nashi pears are quite small. It is sad to watch how the bushes and trees are also drying.
Tudi naši mački komaj čakata dež.
Also, our cats are waiting for the rain impatiently.


  1. I love your cute kitty cat. Hope you get some rain soon. x

  2. Your greenhouse looks wonderful but outside, the earth is parched. I hope you will have some restorative rain soon.

  3. We were okay for rain in June. But July was disappointing. Hope for August.

  4. Sorry you are suffering with lack of rain too. We visited a garden today where we have season tickets and it was sad to see the effect the drought is having on their plants too. Let's hope in August we get some rain!

  5. Such sad sights from your garden. It seems that the heat and draught have come to prevail. Not at all a nice future look. But your greenhouse flourishes and brings crop - that is a comfort!

  6. Everything looks so dry. All the effort to tend a garden and then to see if suffer is so disappointing. The greenhouse is cheerful and green. Hopefully, it will rain soon.

  7. Lep vrt kljub tej dolgotrajni suši. Danes se je pri nas malce ohladilo in rahlo pršenje je vsaj malce osvežilo od pekočega sonca utrujene rastline.


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