vrt v juniju / our garden in June 2022

Tako vroče je. Podnevi je vroče in tudi ponoči se ne ohladi. Že skoraj cel mesec ni deževalo, zemlja postaja izsušena in našim rastlinam močno primanjkuje vode. Zalivanje zjutraj in pozno zvečer je naše glavno in skoraj edino opravilo ta mesec. Zaloga vode v našem vodnem zbiralniku se hitro približuje dnu in kar nočem razmišljati o tem, da bi se sušno vreme lahko še nadaljevalo. Sicer se vsak večer na nebu zbirajo črni oblaki in vedno je videti, da bo začelo deževati, nato pa oblaki izginejo.
It is hot during the day and doesn't cool down at night either. It hasn't rained for almost a month, the soil is drying up and our plants are dehydrated. Watering in the mornings and late in the evenings was our main and almost the only task in the garden last month. The water supply in our water container is quickly approaching the bottom and I don’t want to think about the possibility that the dry weather could continue for a week or even more. Every evening dark clouds gather in the sky, and it always looks like it might rain, and we are excited, but later the clouds disappear.
Čeprav je junij, v vrtu ni oblice cvetlic, lepše so tiste v senčnem delu.
Although it is June, there are little blooming flowers in the garden. Obviously, those in the shady part are more beautiful.
V rastlinjaku je paradižnik zelo zrastel. Še pred dvema mesecema sem previdno sadila majhne sadike, zdaj pa so že veliko večje od mene.
In the greenhouse, tomatoes grow very well. Two months ago, little tomatoes were planted, but now they are much bigger than me.
Za sadike zelja je vročina prehuda, tudi fižolu ne gre dobro. Bučke in kumarice močno zalivamo, zato jih lahko vsak dan nekaj naderemo. Tole pa sta mali lubenica in dinja.
Cabbage plants couldn't bear the heat and also bean plants aren't very well. We water the zucchini and cucumbers constantly, so we can pick some of them every day. These are the little watermelons.
Čeprav imajo drevesa velike in globoke korenine, tudi njim primanjkuje vode. Nashi ima čisto drobcene plodove in tudi ti odpadajo z drevesa. Asimina pa ima letos plodove prvič. Do sedaj sem plodove videla le na slikah, tokrat pa prvič opazujem čisto prave. Komaj čakam, da dozorijo, da spoznamo tudi njihov okus.
Even though the trees have big and spread roots, they also feel the lack of water. Our nashi tree has very small fruits and they fall off. This year Asimina is producing fruit for the first time. I have only seen its fruits in pictures, but this is the first time I have observed the real ones. I can't wait for them to ripen to taste them.
Letos se trudim, da bi pridelala tudi nekaj semen. Vedno znova sem očarana in presenečena nad tem, ko iz čisto drobcenega semena zrastejo čudovite rastline. Seme zelja je že dozorelo, druga, kot recimo por, pa so še na vrtu.
This year I am trying to produce some seeds as well. I am always fascinated, and amazed watching beautiful plants grow from little tiny seeds. The cabbage seed is already harvested, the others are still in the garden. Leek, for example.
Ko se znoči, je na vrtu veliko kresničk. Vedno je zabavno opazovati te male hroščke z lučkami.
When it gets dark, there are lots of fireflies in the garden. It is always funny to observe these little bugs with lights.


  1. Wish we could share some rain with you, Margi.

    I just put my tomato plants in this past week. Mine have a lot of growing to do in the next two months. They will never be anything like your beauties! Take care!

  2. Your tomatoes and vegetables look fantastic! I only have one cabbage left in my garden because none of the others could take the heat. The one left is red and is different from all of the others. It has been a surprise. It was in a seed package of mixed varieties of cabbages.

    I am envious of your zucchinis and wish I could grow them as well as you do. Squash vine borers are a bug that eats into my vines and kills them. I have a terrible time with them.

    Let us hope the rains return before you run out of water.

  3. Tantalising to need water when you have so much ready to flourish!

  4. Hello Margi,
    We have the same: very hot and not at all rain. Watering the garden every evening has sucked myenergy levels 🤨 You share beautiful blooms and delicious plants from your vegetable garden. At the moment I have only herbs, but earlier growed this and that. Now I have togo out again - watering!


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