čarovnija sončnega zahoda /the magic of a sunset

Trenutki, ko sonce zaide so vedno nekaj posebnega, čarobnega, pa če si v hribih ali na morju.
The moments when the sun sets are always magical, no matter if we are in the mountains or at the seaside.

Prejšnjo soboto popoldne sva se na hitro odločila, da dan zaključiva v hribih. Bila sva malo pozna, zato sva precej hitela po hribu navzgor. Na vrh Matajurja sva prišla čisto zasopla, do sončnega zahoda pa je manjkalo še nekaj minut. Sonce je sijalo skozi okna cerkvice na vrhu hriba in dajalo vtis, kot, da bi bila v cerkvi prižgana luč.
Last Saturday afternoon we instantly decided to end the day in the hills. We were a little late, so we hurried up the hill. We reached the top of Matajur completely breathless some minutes before the sunset. The sun shone through the windows of the church located at the top of the hill, giving the impression that a light was on in the church.
Malo sva si odpočila in opazovala naravo. Vse je bilo tiho in mirno. Nebo sicer ni bilo popolnoma jasno, ampak je bilo vseeno lepo. Zaradi polne lune pot navzdol po hribu ni bila nikakršen problem.
We rested a bit and observed the nature. It was quiet and peaceful. The sky wasn't completely clear, but it was still beautiful. Due to the full moon, the way down the hill was no problem.


  1. Well it doesn’t get more perfect than that. Just beautiful. I was looking at that same full moon which lit the way home for you. This is a beautiful world.

  2. So beautiful, I love the sunsets.



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