vroče je / it's hot

Zaradi zelo toplega vremena je tudi hoja v hribe naporna. Sploh pa je poleti priporočljivo zelo zgodaj vstati in se že v hladnem jutru odpraviti v gore. Saj, zvečer je to jasno tudi meni, a kaj ko sem velika zaspanka. Zjutraj, ko se je potrebno prebuditi, pa si ponavljam, samo še pet minut in se sprašujem, zakaj to počnem. A ne bi bilo lepše, če bi spala še par uric? Ko vstanem, pa se mi zdi, kot sem pol pohoda že opravila.
Due to the very warm weather, walking in the mountains is also strenuous. In general, it is recommended to get up early in the morning and start to walk towards the mountain, when it’s still cold. Of course, in the evening I understand and agree with this idea completely, but in the morning, when I need to wake up, things are different. I repeat to myself, just five more minutes, and I wonder why I get up at all. Wouldn't it be nicer if I slept a little longer? When I finally get up, it feels like I’ve already done half the hike.
Tudi to nedeljsko jutro, me je mož večkrat vprašal, če sem gotova. Končno mi je uspelo. Z avtom sva šla do Selle Nevee, mimo Rabeljskega jezera, kjer zjutraj še ni bilo obiskovalcev. Gore so se ogledovale v jezeru, samo rahel veter je malo pokvaril popoln odsev. Peljala sva se do parkirišča pod smučiščem in nato nadaljevala peš do Rifugio Gilberti. Pot se precej hitro vzpenja. Med hojo po čisto zelenem smučišču sem poslušala mojega moža, ki je veselo razlagal smučarske tehnike in ovinke, … kot, da bi bilo vse zasneženo. Do koče sva porabila približno dve uri in pol. Po krajšem postanku in opazovanju oblakov v smeri Prevale sva nadaljevala do stare vojaške utrdbe Bela peč, kjer sva se razgledovala po okolici.
Also, this Sunday morning, my husband repeatedly asked me if I was ready. I finally made it. We drove to Sella Nevea, past Lake Rabelj, where there were no visitors in the early hours. The mountains were visible in the lake, only a light wind spoiled the perfect reflection. We drove to the parking place under the ski slope and then continued on foot to Rifugio Gilberti. The path climbs quite quickly. While walking on the green ski slope, I listened to my husband, who was happily explaining the skiing possibilities and techniques, as if everything was covered with snow. It took us about two and a half hours to get to the hut. After a short stop and observing the clouds in the direction of Prevala, we continued to the old military fortress Bela peč, where we observed the surroundings.
Zadnji mesec komaj kdaj pogledam moj blog, zmanjkuje mi časa za objave, pa tudi za komentiranje drugih blogov. V službi imam veliko dela, doma se kar naprej nekaj dogaja, veliko časa porabim na vrtu, predvsem za zalivanje. Letošnji junij je zelo suh in topel, pravkar imamo že drugi vročinski val. Ne spomnim se, kdaj je bilo v teh krajih tako toplo. Čez dan se segreje tudi do 35 °C, dežja pa od nikoder. Ta vročina človeka izčrpa in meni malo zmanjkuje energije.
Past weeks I hardly ever look at my blog, I’m running out of time for posting and also for commenting on other blogs. I have many tasks and projects to do at my work and many things considered with family are happening continually. Besides, I spend a lot of time in the garden, mostly watering plants. This June is very dry and warm, these days we have our second heat wave. I can’t remember the time when it was so warm and dry here. During the day, the temperature rises up to 35 ° C, and there’s no rain. Therefore, I feel quite exhausted.
V teh vročih dneh se je popoldne prijetno osvežiti v bližnjih rekah. To zelo rad počne naš tamal, ki je je letos končal osnovko. Tako, zdaj imamo samo še velike otroke.
The best thing to do on these hot days is a cold refreshment in the nearby rivers. My youngest son likes to spend afternoons with his friends near the river and takes the advantage of swimming in chilly water. He finished elementary school in June. So, all our kids are grown up now.


  1. I hope you get some rain and cooler temperatures soon. A sleep in would be nice too!

  2. Hello, Margi. I’m not an early bird, either. But when it’s too hot, I naturally get up early and can do works in relatively cool hours. Nice, you made it to enjoy the morning hike. Swimming in the river at high altitude must be comforting. Stay cool.


  3. Margi - we haven't begun our summer hiking yet - the places we would like to go will still have too much snow! So I am enjoying your beautiful mountain photos! I can relate to your comments about time for blogging. The days are long due to the sunlight, and I am anxious to spend those hours outside, not in front of a computer!!! I think you are choosing the right things! I hope you get some rain soon.


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