Rifugio Corsi

Rifugio Corsi je planinska koča pod goro Viš v zahodnem delu Julijskih Alp in najin cilj prejšnjo nedeljo. Zgodaj zjutraj sva se peljala mimo Rabeljskega jezera do naselja Sella Nevea. Avto sva pustila na parkirišču in sledila oznakam 625. Najprej sva hodila ob smučišču, nato po gozdu. Pot se je večkrat križala s cesto. Hoja po senčnem gozdu je bila v vročem junijskem dnevu zelo prijetna. Ko sva gozd zapustila, sva se pričela vzpenjati po travniških pobočjih in uživati v razgledu na smučišče in po dolini vse do Rabeljskega jezera.
Rifugio Corsi is a mountain hut below Mount Viš in the western part of the Julian Alps and also our destination last Sunday. In the early morning we drove past the Rabelj lake to the village of Sella Nevea. We left the car in the parking lot and followed the hiking signs 625. First we walked along the ski slope, then through the woods. The path crossed the road several times. On a hot June day walking through the shady forest was very pleasant. When we left the forest, we started to ascend across the meadow slopes and enjoy the view of the ski resort and the valley all the way to Rabelj Lake.
Med vzponom na sedlo Passo degli Scalini sva srečala kozoroga. Navadno te živali hitro zbežijo, ko me opazijo, da jih želim fotografirati. Tale lepotec pa je samo mirno opazoval in me počakal, da sem končala s fotkanjem.
During the hiking to the saddle Passo degli Scalini we met an ibex. Usually these animals run away quickly when they notice me wanting to photograph them. This good-looker, however, just watched calmly and waited for me to finish the photo shooting.
V tem času so travnata pobočja posuta z navadnimi pogačicami kot bi nekdo travnik posul z zvezdicami. Po kratkem odmoru na sedlu sva se spustila proti koči Corsi.
At this time, the grassy slopes are sprinkled with globeflowers as if someone had sprinkled the meadow with little stars. After a short break on the saddle, we descended towards the hut Corsi.
Najprej po čudovitih travnikih z sanjskimi razgledi, nato pod previsnimi skalami mimo vojaških rovov iz prve svetovne vojne vse do koče, ki pa je žal zaprta.
Across beautiful meadows with dreamy views, then under overhanging rocks past military tunnels from the First World War all the way to the hut, which is unfortunately closed.
Vzpon traja približno tri ure in ni preveč naporen. Mislim, da je zaradi čudovitih razgledov in travnikov s pisanim cvetjem, ena najlepših planinskih poti, ki sva jih prehodila v zadnjih letih.
The ascent takes about three hours and is not too strenuous. Thanks to the beautiful views and meadows with colourful flowers, I think it is one of the most beautiful mountain trails we have walked in recent years.


  1. That doesn’t look like an easy trail to me but it is a beauty. Ibex for company was a nice addition to the hike. The flowers are lovely this time of year!

  2. Gorgeous walk among the flowers with a backdrop of such spectacular mountains.

  3. What a wonderful hike, Margi! The whole mountains look magical with stars in the meadow, a cute ibex goat posing for you, and the magnificent views.


  4. You certainly can hike in stunning landscapes! I am green out of envy, joking - I loved your photos!

  5. Wow, wow, wow! I love the pictures you took of the large landscape, which shows the path of the trail. Stunning! If the hut was open, what services would it provide? Housing and food? You were blessed with beautiful weather for this journey, and an ibex as well!

  6. Usually simple meals (local food)  can be provided and it's also possible to sleep overnight in similar huts.


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