mali limončki /little lemons
Ponavadi zjutraj pred službo zalivam moje rastline, obvezno tudi limone.
Early in the morning before going to work I usually water my plants and lemons are one of them.
Early in the morning before going to work I usually water my plants and lemons are one of them.
Pred nekaj leti smo kupili en sam limon in potem vsako leto pridelali novega. Najprej sem jih poskusila vzgojiti iz semena, vendar neuspešno. Limon je potrebno cepiti in tu se moje znanje konča. Po naključju sem kasneje ugotovila, da lahko limon razmnožimo s potaknjenci.
A few years ago, we bought one lemon plant and then every year another little lemon was produced. At first, I tried to grow them from seed, but I didn't succeed. Little lemons must be grafted and at this point all my attempts failed. Coincidentally, I found out that lemon can be rooted by cutting.
1. Izberemo zdravo vejo brez cvetov ali plodov.
2. Vejo malo zarežemo (vendar je ne ločimo od stare rastline), tako, da jo lažje upognemo.
3. Z žičko vejo pritrdimo v lonec.
4. Lonec napolnimo s kompostom.
5. Vsako jutro male limone zalijemo.
6. Med poletjem se mali limoni ukoreninijo in v septembru jih lahko ločimo od limona -starša.
7. Pozimi damo limone v zaprt, zaščiten prostor.
The best time of the year to take cuttings is May or June. I simply follow this procedure:
1. Select a disease-free branch that does not have any fruit or flowers.
2. Then cut a little into the branch (but don't remove a branch from the tree), this helps to bend the branch easily.
3. Fasten the branch into the pot with a little piece of wire.
4. Fill in the pot with compost.
5. We need to water the little lemon plants every morning.
6. The rooting will occur during the summer and by the end of September we can separate the little lemons from the mother tree.
7.During the winter we keep lemons indoors.Trenutno je v vrtu veliko dela in včasih prav pozabim, da bi nekaj trenutkov namenila samo opazovanju rastlin. Samo toliko, da bi videla, da je vse tako zeleno in lepo in sveže.
There is a lot of work in the garden at this time of year, so sometimes I forget to rest for a few moments and just watch the vegetation. Just to notice that everything is green and beautiful and fresh.
2. Then cut a little into the branch (but don't remove a branch from the tree), this helps to bend the branch easily.
3. Fasten the branch into the pot with a little piece of wire.
4. Fill in the pot with compost.
5. We need to water the little lemon plants every morning.
6. The rooting will occur during the summer and by the end of September we can separate the little lemons from the mother tree.
7.During the winter we keep lemons indoors.
Limon je zelo lepa rastlina. Mali limončki so lahko tudi lepo darilo za prijatelje.
Lemon plants are very beautiful, and the little plants can also be given away to friends as a gift.
There is a lot of work in the garden at this time of year, so sometimes I forget to rest for a few moments and just watch the vegetation. Just to notice that everything is green and beautiful and fresh.
Your garden is growing beautifully. Spring is wonderful!