vrt v decembru / our garden in December 2020

Decembrsko vreme je bilo megleno in deževno. Vrt v tem mesecu počiva. Na začetku meseca je sicer padal sneg, ki pa nas je razveseljeval le dan ali dva.
The weather was fogy and rainy in December and the garden is resting. We had some snow in the beginning of the month, but it lasted only a day or two.
Zato pa se bolj razveselimo sobnih cvetlic. Tale božični kaktus je star okoli 25 let in še vedno cveti.
It’s nice to see blooming Christmas cactus indoors. This plant is over twenty years old but it's still beautiful.
Nekaj fotk iz mojega zelenjavnega vrta.
Here are some pictures from my vegetable garden.
V tem mesecu smo pričeli postavljati dvignjeno gredo za buče. Za gradnjo smo uporabili kar srobot, ki ga je ogromno v naši okolici in je pravzaprav kar malo nadležen. Upam, da bo kot stena dvignjene grede dolgo vzdržal. Gredo je še napolniti z zemljo, kompostom,...
We started to build a raised bed for squashes this month. It's made from clematis (clematis vitabla) which grows in our neighbourhood and it's actually quite an annoying plant. So, I hope that it lasts long in new raised bed, which still needs to be filled with soil, compost,...
December je tudi priložnost, da se ozremo na preteklo leto. Po pravici povedano, nas je situacija s korona virusom zaprla v svoje domove, smo pa zaradi tega imeli več časa za vrtnarjenje. Tukaj je nekaj fotk rož iz mojega vrta, ena za vsak mesec leta 2020.
December is also an opportunity to look over the last year. To tell the truth, covid 19 and lockdowns kept us at home, and because of this unusual situation I spent more time in my garden. Here are some photos of flowers from my garden, one for each month of 2020.

Veselo vrtnarjenje v prihajajočem letu!

Happy gardening in 2021!


  1. You have a beautiful garden, and an impressive vegetable garden. Love your new raised bed!
    Happy New Year!

  2. How wonderful to have some bits of color here and there! Love the veggies, I know they will be great on the table :)

    A fantastic addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week! May the new year bring you great things to photograph!

  3. Using the vine was so clever...Love it...Michelle

  4. Beautiful frost garden.I agree the covid 19 scenario has locked up all of us in the home which has led to more inclination towards gardening.Your Garden flowers are beautiful. Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.Keep on linking.


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