2020 se približuje koncu / 2020 is coming to an end
Zaradi covida in s tem povezanih ukrepov je bilo čisto posebno leto. Hkrati pa sem imela več prostega časa za tiste majhne stvari, ki me razveselijo in osrečijo, za vrtnarjenje, planinarjenje, kvačkanje in slikanje.
It was an unusual year due to covid and lockdowns. However, I had more spare time to pay attention to little things which bring me joy and happiness such as hiking, gardening, crochet, and painting.
Zadnje sončne dneve decembra sem porabila za vzpone na bližnje hribe. Čeprav sem jih obiskala že velikokrat, so posebni in drugačni, ko jih pokriva sneg.I have spent the last sunny days of December hiking and mountaineering. I’ve been on these local hills for several times, but it’s different and special, when they are covered with snow.
Tele snežkote pa sem skvačkala ob večerih. V prazničnih dneh bodo dekoracija nad našim kaminom.
In December evenings I crocheted these little snowmen. One by one, now there is a family of six members. They are a nice decoration above our fireplace.
Letos imam dva dneva dopusta ravno pred novim letom, za kar sem še posebej hvaležna. Sicer smo z zadnjimi ukrepi omejeni na druženje šestih odraslih za silvestrovo in novoletni dan, ampak ker naša družina šteje pet članov res ni nikoli dolgčas. Kljub manjšim praznovanjem sem hvaležna za čas, ki ga lahko preživim z družino.
This year I have two days off work just before New Year's day and I’m thankful for that. We have been told that families can meet with a few friends (max six adults) for New Year's Eve, but as we are a family of five it’s never lonely and I’m grateful for spending time with family despite reduced celebration.
To leto sem poskušala pisati blog tudi v angleščini. Priznati moram, da je moje znanje precej zarjavelo in bi ga bilo treba izboljšati. Hvala moji hčerki, ki že celo leto popravlja moje napake in me spodbuja k pisanju.
This year I’ve been trying to write my blog in English and I must admit that my knowledge is a little bit rusty and needs many improvements. This is also an opportunity to give thanks to my daughter who corrects my mistakes and encourages me.
Srečno novo leto, veliko zdravja in sreče v 2021. Hvala za vse obiske mojega bloga in vse prijazne komentarje.
Happy New Year, wishing you much health and happiness in 2021. Thank you all for visiting my blog and the kind comments you leave me.
Margi - Happy New Year to you and your family. I am glad I learned about your blog this year - your photos of the mountains are always spectacular!!!
ReplyDeleteYour crocheted snowmen are really cute! We all wish that this pandemia nightmare comes to an end... I wish you health & happiness in 2021!
ReplyDeleteSo glad 2020 has ended and we are moving forward to a happier and healthier 2021. I enjoy seeing your winter photos, they are very pretty. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Wishing you a happy and heathy new year.
Beautiful photos ! It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2021/01/garden-affair-winter-annuals-for.html
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice group of snowmen. Thanks for joining in Ginx Woolly Linx Party