prejšnji teden / last week

Danes precej dežuje, zato je bil dan namenjen kuhanju in pospravljanju. Čeprav bi rajši malo hodila, nekje zunaj. Omejitve gibanja in slabo vreme res nista posrečena kombinacija.
Pred tremi dnevi pa je snežilo. Kaj boljšega bi se lahko zgodilo? Ko sem se zvečer vrnila iz službe, je pred hišo stal tale snežak. Sneg je bil super presenečenje in naš tamal se je kar malo pozabil, da bi bilo treba iti na zoom,.. Malo ga pa tudi razumem. Tokrat bi lahko upoštevali, da so bile izredne razmere.

It’s raining today, so we are occupied with cleaning and cooking. I prefer to wander around rather than staying at home. Lockdown and bad weather are not a pleasant combination.
Three days ago it was snowing. What could be better? I came home late in the afternoon and met  a snowman, who was standing in front of our house. Snow was a wonderfull surprise and for my son it was worth missing zoom (school online).  Partly I agree with him, the situation was exceptional.

Na začetku tedna smo občudovali slano ob Soči. Fotka je malo temna, ker je narejena pozno popoldne, po službi.
At the beginning of the week we admired frost near river Soča. The picture was taken late in the afternoon  after work, so it’s a little dark.

Prejšnjo nedeljo je bilo sončno in vetrovno. Šli smo na dolg sprehod okrog domačih krajev. Fotke so iz Tolminskih korit. Poleti se tu gnete množica turistov, prejšnji teden pa sva srečala le nekaj sprehajalcev, ki so uživali v naravi.
Last Sunday it was sunny and windy, so we were walking around our hometown. These pictures are from Tolmin gorges. The place is crowded with tourists in the summer. Last week we met only a few hikers, who enjoyed walking there.


  1. Stunning pics ! It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here at Garden Affair at this link

  2. Hello,

    I like your snowman. Lovely views of the gorges! Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

  3. How gorgeous!! Very cute snowman too!

  4. Beautiful pictures. Hope we get a wet winter here in drought-stricken California.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  5. That is a happy looking snowman, perfect for the season.

  6. Pretty, although I hope we don't see that much snow! I've broken bones in snow twice so am nervous about walking in the stuff!
    Thanks for sharing at

  7. You have some beautiful scenery near your home. That snowman would win against zoom any day of the week.

  8. Thanks for sharing your walk with us, you live in a beautiful place. The snow on the flower is so pretty as are the other snow photos :)

    Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is an exciting addition! Thanks for joining us!

  9. Margi - lovely pictures of the gorge. And I agree that it was the right thing for your son to do, building a snowman while he could!


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