dan na snegu / a day in the snow

Te fotke so nastale včeraj zjutraj. Jutranja megla je visela Sočo, račke so se kljub mrazu igrale v vodi. Srečala sem le malo sprehajalcev. Bilo je tiho in kar malo skrivnostno.
Rada hodim. Hoja mi pomaga razjasniti misli, me sprošča in je dobra za zdravje, posebej za hrbet, ki me večkrat boli. Prav zaradi tega, bi bilo dobro, če bi hodila vsak dan. Na žalost je to le velika želja. Sploh pozimi, ko končam službo in se vrnem domov, je že tema. Sami pa mi zvečer v temi ni ravno prijetno hoditi. Pravzaprav me je kar malo strah.

These pictures were taken in the Sunday morning. The morning mist was hanging over the river Soča and ducks were playing in the water despite the low temperatures. I met only a few hikers. It was quiet and a little misty.
I like walking very much. It helps me clear my mind, it’s relaxing and good for health, especially for my spine, where I often feel pain. It would be good to walk every day. That’s unfortunately only a wish. It’s already dark when I return from work in the winter. Walking alone in the dark is out of my comfort zone. To tell the truth it scares me a bit.
V naši dolini ni več snega. Če pa se povzpnemo malo višje v hribe, ga je tam še veliko. Popoldne smo z otroki hodili po snegu in se sankali. Sankanje je vedno zabavno, ne glede na to, koliko si star.
There is no more snow in our valley, but there is plenty of it higher in the mountains. I spent the afternoon with my kids walking in the snow and sledging. It doesn’t matter how old you are, sledging is always fun!


  1. Snow is so beautiful. I LOVE the photo of the red leaves with frost and ice on them!

  2. It really looks cold but the atmosphere is crystal clear with beautiful blue skies - love the photos

  3. Our snow has melted for now, but more in the forecast!

  4. What lovely photos. I've never been sledding, but it always looks like so much fun.

  5. These are some fantastic images! The scenery is so pretty. I know those hills will give a lot of sledding and tobogganing fun!!

    I appreciate your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for joining us!

  6. Margi - gorgeous photos. I also enjoy walking and I am fortunate that I have plenty of time to do it since I do not work full time. Especially in the winter, it helps me burn off the calories that I would normally spend on gardening.


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