vrt v novembru / our garden in November 2020
Konec meseca je prišla prva slana in vsak list obrobila z belo barvo.
The first frost came at the end of the month. Each leaf is white on the edges.
I've planted garlic in the garden. The salad is growing in the greenhouse.
Limono in mandarin smo premaknili v hišo. Limone počasi postajajo rumene, mandarine so pa čisto temno zelene. Počasi izgubljam upanje, da bodo sploh kdaj postale oranžne.
We moved our mandarin and lemon tree indoors. Lemons will turn yellow slowly, but mandarins are deep green. I 've lost any hope that they would get orange one day.
Tu je nekaj ekoloških plodov iz našega vrta. Niso preveč lepi, so pa okusni in zdravi.
Here are some organic fruits from our garden. They don't look the prettiest, but they are delicious and healthy.
The first frost came at the end of the month. Each leaf is white on the edges.
Vsekakor pa je bil letošnji november lep in sončen, bolj kot smo navajeni. Na vrtu so nas presenetile zadnje rdeče maline in cvetoče vrtnice.
Anyway, this November was sunny and nice despite the usual expectations. The last red raspberries and blooming roses were a nice surprise.
Kivi smo pobrali pred prvo slano. Na vrtu smo posadili kaki. Živo oranžni plodovi so v meglenih jesenskih dneh videti čudovito. Zakaj ne bi imeli še enega?
The kiwi harvest was finished before the first frost. We also planted kaki tree in the garden. The vivid orange fruits look wonderful in foggy autumn days and they are also delicious. So, we should have another one.
Na vrtu sem posadila česen, v rastlinjaku je polno solate.I've planted garlic in the garden. The salad is growing in the greenhouse.
Limono in mandarin smo premaknili v hišo. Limone počasi postajajo rumene, mandarine so pa čisto temno zelene. Počasi izgubljam upanje, da bodo sploh kdaj postale oranžne.
We moved our mandarin and lemon tree indoors. Lemons will turn yellow slowly, but mandarins are deep green. I 've lost any hope that they would get orange one day.
Tu je nekaj ekoloških plodov iz našega vrta. Niso preveč lepi, so pa okusni in zdravi.
Here are some organic fruits from our garden. They don't look the prettiest, but they are delicious and healthy.
The kiwi harvest is amazingly many! Your frost photos are so lovely. Yesterday we had sleet changing to a light dusting of snow, that later melted and then a light dusting of snow again. Evening dipped down to 27 degrees. This morning after everything thawed out, it all looks unchanged. Surprised me. You have a lot going on with all your fruit and vegetables. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful shots from nature .I am drooling over your harvest of fruits.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/11/garden-affair-small-flowers-big.html
ReplyDeleteMargi - how blessed you are to have such a wonderful harvest, especially the kiwi!!!
ReplyDeleteThe first frost is always beautiful. Lovely fruits!
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the creative designs made by nature using frost! But I don't get to see it very often. It sounds like you are creating a bit of New Zealand in your garden with kiwi fruit and Kaka tree!
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!
Wow ! Beautiful frost covered harvest .It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here at Garden Affair at this link http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/12/garden-affair-painting-earthen-pots.html