the hidden valley of Val Raccolana
The beautiful Val Raccolana, a hidden and forgotten gem, is nestled in the western Julian Alps in Italy. The Raccolana River flows through this deep, narrow valley, surrounded by high, rocky hills. Only a few small villages dot the landscape of this remote, yet stunning and wild place. Exploring the valley reveals nature's wonders, old villages, rivers, and waterfalls.
Our first stop was the Goriuda Waterfall, just a few minutes' walk from a parking spot near the road. We ventured behind the waterfall and enjoyed the unique perspective through the water curtain.
Reklanska dolina je skriti mali dragulj v zahodnih julijskih Alpah v Italiji nad Rezijo. V dolini je le nekaj manjših vasic. Po ozki dolini se vije reka Reklanica, iznad katere se visoko dvigajo hribi. Odmaknjena dolina je osupljivo lepa in divja. Med raziskovanjem doline lahko občudujemo naravo, stare vasi, reke in slapove.
Najprej smo se ustavili pri slapu Gorjuda. Od ceste do slapa je le nekaj minut hoje. Seveda smo šli tudi za slap in pogledali skozi vodno zaveso.
Nearby is the Cjalderon waterfall. We walked through the village of Piani di Là to reach the Piani di Qua waterfall, which descends steeply down the rocks.
V bližini se nahaja slap Cjalderon. Mi smo se sprehodili skozi vasico Piani di La do bližnjega slapa Piani di Qua, ki se strmo spušča po skalah.
Further down the valley, we encountered the Rio Plis waterfall.Malo naprej po dolini je slap Rio Plis.
Later, we paused by the Raccolana River, admiring its striking color and competing in pebble throwing across the cold water.
Sledil je postanek pri reki Raccolana, kjer smo občudovali njeno živo barvo in tekmovali v metanju kamenčkov čez vodo, ki je bila zelo mrzla.
Our final stop was the Rio Repepeit Waterfall. We met very few tourists, almost none. Our teenager enjoyed the valley and walking with us, which was a delightful surprise.Nazadnje smo se ustavili pri slapu Rio Repepeit. Srečali smo zelo malo turistov, skoraj nobenega. Najinemu najstniku je bila dolina všeč, zdelo se mu je zabavno, kar naju je prijetno presenetilo.
Gorgeous! What a treasure that area is! Thank you for sharing it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful area - and beautifully photographed too.