more mountain flowers

Although the weather was cloudy and grey and rainy again, we drove to the Resia district in Italy determined to climb the mountain Zaiavor. After two hour of walking and only a short distance from the peak we had to abandon the intention to reach the mountain peak because of the thick fog. To be honest I wasn't disappointed at all. For me the time spent in nature truly counts, no matter if we are on the top of the highest mountain or in a nice valley.
Oblačno, sivo in deževno vreme nama ni preprečilo, da ne bi šla spet v hribe. Odpeljala sva se v Rezijo odločena, da greva na Zajavor. Po dveh urah hoje, le malo pod vrhom sva se odločila, da zaradi pregoste megle ne vztrajava čisto do konca. Pravzaprav sploh nisem bila razočarana. Meni veliko pomeni, da lahko svoj čas preživim nekje v naravi, pa sploh ni važno, da je to vrh gore ali v kakšni mirni dolini.
After returning to the parking lot near the church we decided for another walk and headed to Monte Nischiuarch. After one hour of walking, we reached the mountain shelter located in the middle of a green meadow, which was actually a flower field. The little white flowers looked perfect despite the rain.
Ko sva se vrnila na parkirišče, sva se odločila, da greva še na planino Nizki vrh. Po eni uri sva prispela do zavetišča, ki je bilo sredi zelenega travnika, bolje rečeno cvetočega polja. Kljub dežju so bile majhne bele rožice popolne.


  1. The blooms are so beautiful filling the fields. Buttercups look to be among them. So pretty! Thank you for taking us along!

  2. Yes, thank you for taking us along. It is so very true that it isn't the distance, but the journey. The wildflowers look glorious and very exotic to me. Your second image tells the story of why you didn't make it to the top.

  3. Hello, Margi. I have felt lethargic in the weather with nearly 30C degrees and high humidity which slows down evaporation. Visiting this blog, I feel my fatigue being washed away by the beautiful landscape, lovely flowers, and refreshing air.


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