painted wooden hearts

Flowering meadows, birds singing, and warm summer breeze create a perfect summer atmosphere. Spending a couple of minutes in front of our house fills me with energy. Some wild flowers were the inspiration for painted wooden hearts.
Cvetoči travniki, petje pticin topel poletni veter ustvarijo popolno poletno vzdušje. Že nekaj minut preživetih pred našo hišo me napolni z energijo. Nekatere divje rožice so bile navdih za poslikane lesene srčke.


  1. Love what you did with the hearts. So pretty!

  2. Lovely patented wooden hearts. I like to see them turning softly in the breeze in the backdrop of luminous foliage both in the still and the moving images.

  3. These are very pretty Margi. It looks like a fun project! hugs-Erika

  4. Beautiful hears and flowers, Margi! Hugs, Valerie

  5. The hearts were beautiful, but became more so when I reached the wildflower image you created them from. What a wonderful talent to have.


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