our garden in June 2024
At the moment, our garden is full of purple coneflowers, which self-seeded last year. Hydrangeas are blooming in the shady part of the garden. They like to be watered and rainy weather suits them fine.
Trenutno je na vrtu vse polno ameriškega slamnika, ki se je lansko leto sam zasejal. V senčnem delu vrta cvetijo hortenzije. Te so rade zalite in jim deževno vreme ustreza.
Trenutno je na vrtu vse polno ameriškega slamnika, ki se je lansko leto sam zasejal. V senčnem delu vrta cvetijo hortenzije. Te so rade zalite in jim deževno vreme ustreza.
It's herb season. June is the best time for picking, drying and storing herbs. Just to name a few that I have been picking this month: sage, mint, lemon balm, calendula, chamomile, ..
Sezona zelišč je. Junij je najboljši čas za pobiranje, sušenje in shranjevanje zelišč. Samo, da naštejem nekaj tistih, ki sem jih nabirala ta mesec: žajbelj, meta, melisa ognjič,
These onions were planted last October. Cold weather and winter temperatures are just right for growing onions. Now it is the harvest time.
Čebulo sem posadila že lansko jesen. Rada ima hladno vreme in zima ji čisto ustreza. Sedaj pa je čas za pobiranje.
Due to the rainy weather, lasting for months, tomato blight has appeared on the leaves. In fact, only one day with the temperature around 20°C and high humidity caused a disease. I had to remove the infected leaves from tomato plants, shorten the stems, and plant a couple of new ones. We sprayed them with sage tea and brown algae, but we did not decide to use chemical agents. So far, the spread of blight has stopped, mostly because of the sunny weather.
Zaradi deževnega vremena, ki traja že mesece so se na paradajzu pojavile plesni. Pravzaprav so nastale v enem dnevu, ko je bila temperatura okoli 20°C in visoka vlaga. Paradižnikom sem morala odstraniti okužene liste, skrajšati stebla, posadila sem par novih. Poškropili smo jih z čajem in žajblja in rjavimi algami, za uporabo kemičnih sredstev pa se nismo odločili. Zaenkrat se je širjenje plesni zaustavilo, verjetno največ zaradi sončnega vremena.
Due to the weather, the potatoes were also attacked by mold. We had to pick it up about a month earlier than usual.
Zaradi vremenskih razlogov je tudi krompir napadla plesen. Pobrati smo ga morali približno mesec prezgodaj.
Peas were planted already at the beginning of January.
Grah sem posadila že v začetku januarja.
Yesterday evening when I was still in the garden, the sun was shining over our valley and creating a relaxed summer atmosphere.
Ko sem se včeraj zvečer vračala proti domu, je nad našo dolino posijalo sonce in pričaralo pravo poletno vzdušje.
Sezona zelišč je. Junij je najboljši čas za pobiranje, sušenje in shranjevanje zelišč. Samo, da naštejem nekaj tistih, ki sem jih nabirala ta mesec: žajbelj, meta, melisa ognjič,
These onions were planted last October. Cold weather and winter temperatures are just right for growing onions. Now it is the harvest time.
Čebulo sem posadila že lansko jesen. Rada ima hladno vreme in zima ji čisto ustreza. Sedaj pa je čas za pobiranje.
Due to the rainy weather, lasting for months, tomato blight has appeared on the leaves. In fact, only one day with the temperature around 20°C and high humidity caused a disease. I had to remove the infected leaves from tomato plants, shorten the stems, and plant a couple of new ones. We sprayed them with sage tea and brown algae, but we did not decide to use chemical agents. So far, the spread of blight has stopped, mostly because of the sunny weather.
Zaradi deževnega vremena, ki traja že mesece so se na paradajzu pojavile plesni. Pravzaprav so nastale v enem dnevu, ko je bila temperatura okoli 20°C in visoka vlaga. Paradižnikom sem morala odstraniti okužene liste, skrajšati stebla, posadila sem par novih. Poškropili smo jih z čajem in žajblja in rjavimi algami, za uporabo kemičnih sredstev pa se nismo odločili. Zaenkrat se je širjenje plesni zaustavilo, verjetno največ zaradi sončnega vremena.
Due to the weather, the potatoes were also attacked by mold. We had to pick it up about a month earlier than usual.
Zaradi vremenskih razlogov je tudi krompir napadla plesen. Pobrati smo ga morali približno mesec prezgodaj.
Peas were planted already at the beginning of January.
Grah sem posadila že v začetku januarja.
Yesterday evening when I was still in the garden, the sun was shining over our valley and creating a relaxed summer atmosphere.
Ko sem se včeraj zvečer vračala proti domu, je nad našo dolino posijalo sonce in pričaralo pravo poletno vzdušje.
Your harvest is two months ahead of ours. So wise not to use chemicals! And the blooms in the garden are glorious. I wish you continued enjoyment of this time of year!
ReplyDeleteYou're well ahead of us too. What a splendid view in that last photo.
ReplyDeleteYour onions look great! I planted some of mine in the fall last year and it worked better than I thought it would. I had expected them to freeze but they didn't. I will have to start mine from seeds myself since the bulbs are not available at a reasonable price anywhere. Do you plant seeds or bulbs? How do you do it?
We always plant bulbs. They are available here at a very reasonable price.
DeleteMargi, I find this a very joyful post, with the colour of the blossoms, freshness of the harvest and tranquility of the sun setting in a summer halo.
ReplyDeleteA happy view down the sunset valley
ReplyDeleteBeautiful blog
ReplyDeleteWOW Margi the flowers in your garden are fantastically beautiful, I love the cone flowers and hydrangeas and the vegetables look so delicious.
ReplyDeleteOur summer has been rainy so far, which makes gardening very difficult.
Greetings from Germany