a little cottage

Wasting time on the things I love, dreaming of beautiful places far away from noise and bustle of everyday life, maybe a little cottage in the hills, somewhere like this...
Zapravljam čas za meni ljube stvari, sanjam o lepih krajih daleč proč od hrupa in vsakdanjega življenja, mogoče majhna koliba nekje v hribih, kjer zgleda takole..


  1. Beautiful painting. Anesha

  2. It’s never a waste of time doing something you love! Beautiful piece.

  3. I love to dream about places far away from the hubbub of every day life too. I love your little cottage. I bet whoever lives there really enjoys the bird song and relaxing days in the sunshine. Thanks for joining Matilde's AJJ challenge. hugs-Erika


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