
Why not start the New Year with flowers? For me foggy holidays were just the perfect time for painting and dreaming about the summer and about the flowers. Particularly, I was thinking about our last year vacation in Italy among the flower fields. The scenes were unforgettable. So, here are my latest creations.
Zakaj ne bi novega leta začeli z rožicami? Zame so bili megleni prazniki kot nalašč za slikanje in sanjanje o poletju in o rožah. Še posebej sem razmišljala o cvetočih poljih, ki sva jih videla lani na počitnicah v Italiji. Prizorov ne morem pozabiti. Tu so moji zadnji izdelki.


  1. Beautiful work! The plants are lovely too!

  2. WOW so beautiful, I love your flowers ... absolutely stunning, you are very talented, Margi.


  3. I revisited your Italian post. Your painting has captured the beauty of the endless fields of wildflowers. Just so beautiful and spirit lifting.

  4. Margi, on my blog, you asked about the average temp in PEI this time of year. Our average temp this past week was -3 C during the day and -8 at night. It has been windy though so the windchill has been lower.


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