winter on Komna

Visiting the Komna plateau in the wintertime was on my mind for a while. Plateau is a very popular ski-touring area and a nice hiking destination. Mountain huts in this area are open during the winter, which is very convenient for winter adventures. Last Saturday there was little snow there and we didn't meet a single skier, but lots of hikers.
Že nekaj časa sva imela idejo, da bi Komno obiskala pozimi. Planota je priljubljena med turnimi smučarji in tudi med pohodniki. Koče so tam odprte tudi v tem letnem času, tako res lahko uživamo na snegu. Prešnjo soboto je bilo snega malo, zato med potjo nisva srečala niti enega smučarja, sva pa srečala veliko pohodnikov.
After one hour driving from home to Bohinjska Bistrica, we stopped above the village Sorica just to take a photo of the sunrise. We knew already, it would be a beautiful winter day.
Med vožnjo do Bohinjske Bistice, sva se ustavila and vasjo Sorica in opazovala sončni vzhod. Že takrat sva vedela, da bo lep dan.
Our starting point was a parking place near Savica waterfall. We walked on a footpath in the direction of Komna mountain hut. In some places the view on the Bohinj lake can be admired. Well, last Saturday morning we saw only a lake of fog.
Najino izhodišče je bilo parkirišče pri slapu Savica, kjer sva začela najino pot v smeri koče na Komni. Na nekaterih mestih je lep razgled na Bohinjsko jezero. Tisti dan pa smo lahko opazovali le megleno jezero pod nami.
At the beginning there was no snow, but after about an hour of walking we were in the middle of a magic winter forest.
Na začetku poti snega ni bilo, ampak po kakšni uri hoje sva se znašla sredi čudovitega zasneženega gozda.
In two and a half hours we reached Komna hut, and it takes us additional 15 minutes to reach mountain hut Pod Bogatinom. Bright sunny day and snow made it almost impossible to look at the mountains without sunglasses.
Po dveh urah in pol sva prišla do koče na Komni, do koče pod Bogatinom sva potrebovala še 15 minut. Bleščeče sonce in sneg sta naju čisto zaslepila, brez sončnih očal skoraj ne bi videla ničesar.
On our way back to the parking lot we noticed that the fog over Bohinj lake had gone. Visiting the plateau was a wonderful experience, so different from life in foggy valleys. It felt so good.
Med potjo nazaj sva opazila, da nad jezerom ni več megle. Dan je bil čudovit, tako zelo drugačen od zimskih dni v meglenih dolinah. Čudovito!


  1. To me, these photos are of a fairyland. Exceptional winter beauty!
    Thank you so much for sharing here.


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