Kobilja glava, once again
Since this hill is very close to our home, I have been there several times. It's not very high, so it's a perfect hike for a New Year's day. We were rather exhausted after the longest night of the year, so fresh air felt good and we met some friends there. Sometimes it is nice to visit familiar places and talk to familiar people about everyday life and ordinary things. It's so relaxing.
Ker je Kobilja glava čisti blizu našega doma, smo bili tam že velikokrat. Ni posebno visoka, ampak ravno prav za sprehod na novoletni dan. Po najdaljši noči v letu sva bila malo utrujena, sveži zrak pa je tako prijal. Med potjo sva srečala veliko znancev. Včasih je lepo obiskati znane kraje in poklepetati z poznanimi ljudmi o vsakdanjem življenju in čisto običajnih stvareh.
Almost every year on New Year's day we visit this hill and it's never the same. Sometimes it was covered with snow and on the other occasions there was no snow at all. This year the little puddle near the peak was frozen over. Some kids tried to break the ice, but they didn't succeed.
Skoraj vsako leto na novoletni dan obiščeva ta hrib. Ampak nikoli ni enak. Včasih je pokrit s snegom, včasih pa ni čisto nič snega. Letos je bila majhna mlaka pod vrhom zamrznjena. Par otrok se je trudilo, da bi razbili led, ampak jim ni uspelo.
A beautiful tradition and a wonderful place for a New Year's walk, fantastic photos.
Spectacular photos! Love each one. Well done!
ReplyDeleteWhat a very special tradition to meet with friends high on this hill. A very positive start to the year.
ReplyDeleteI love your art, photos, and warm flower paintings. Seeing where you live is a treat. I love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine!