our garden in January 2024

Our garden is not looking very special this month. Mornings are still chilly and fresh, and plants are covered with frost.
Kot ponavadi  se januarja na našem vrtu ne dogaja nič posebnega. Jutra so zelo mrzla, rastline pa prekrite s slano.
As soon as the sun rises the frost is gone and we are already thinking about spring. However, the first snowdrops are in bloom.
Takoj po vzhodu sonca, slane ni več in mi že razmišljamo o pomladi. Prvi zvončki so že tu.
The preparations for a new gardening season have already begun. The tomatoes, basilica and pepper seeds are already sown and stored in a warm house. Now, we are waiting for them to start growing. Considering the days are getting longer and warmer I've started with planning and some cleaning works in the garden.
Priprave ne novo vrtnarsko sezono so se že začele. Posejala sem seme paprik, paradižnika in bazilike. Sedaj so v toplem prostoru, jaz pa čakam, da vzklijejo. Ker dnevi postajajo daljši in malo toplejši, sem že začela s spomladanskim čiščenjem vrta.


  1. I love these shots of the frost on the garden blooms and vegetables! Beautiful!

  2. Marji, you may think your garden isn't very special at present, but these beautiful frosty images, tell me a different story.

  3. Today we enjoyed a cool breeze coming off the dam, so your frosty flowers are welcome.

  4. Your garden still looks beautiful with the frosty conditions! I too am looking forward to seeing more growth back in the garden soon! Sarah x

  5. Very interesting photos! Thanks for sharing and for your kind comment on my blog! John

  6. Your garden looks spectacular covered in frost! The frozen crystals look magical.

    I'm enjoying the winter months and was hibernating until a warm front moved in. I spent a few days outside raking leaves in the front yard and then spreading them over the vegetable garden. Below the leaves I discovered a few flower sprouts pushing up above the soil. Spring is on the way.

  7. Margi - the pictures with the frost are so delicate, intricate and fragile. And I love how the frost frames the various shades of green. Gorgeous! Yes, the days are getting longer and although I am not anxious for winter to be over, I am grateful for lighter mornings! Thanks for your recent visit to my blog and your kind comments!


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