Skiing in Dolomites
Last week we spent three days skiing in Dolomites. The first skiing day in Val Gardena was demanding because of the fresh snow on the ski slopes. To be honest, it didn’t cause much trouble to our youths and their friends, but as we get older, we are changing.
Prejšnji teden smo tri dni preživeli v Dolomitih. Zaradi svežega snega, ki je zapadel ponoči, je bilo smučanje prvi dan precej zahtevno. Če sem čisto poštena, našim otrokom in njihovim prijateljem ni povzročalo težav, leti pa je to malo drugače.
The following day the younger members of the group skied on Sella Ronda, while my husband and I enjoyed the day on Seceda. I love that place, it is magical both in winter and in summer. It was sunny, and the snow was wonderful, and we had a nice coffee break.
Naslednji dan je mlajši del skupine presmuča Sello Rondo, midva z možem pa sva ostala na Secedi, ki je meni zelo všeč. Čisto čarobno je tam, ne glede na letni čas. Bilo je sončno, sneg je bil čudovit in midva sva si privoščila prijeten odmor za kavo.
After the third skiing day we returned home. My husband adores skiing. He was fascinated by skiing skills of the young skiers. We loved their company and appreciated the time we spent together.
Po tretjem dnevu smučanja smo se vrnili domov. Moj mož obožuje smučanje. Bil je čisto navdušen nad smučanjem naših mladincev, kot jih on kliče. Uživala sva v njihovi družbi, hvaležna za čas, ki smo ga lahko preživeli skupaj.
What a beautiful area. I have only done cross country skiing. I miss mountains. Wonderful photos!
ReplyDeleteTruly beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYes, wonderful, wonderful photos of these three days enjoying the snowy Dolomites. Seems like you had some very long trails to enjoy.